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Ranboo pov: (couple days prior)

I finished my laborious day at my job and came home.

My feet dragged along the carpet as I fell into my bed.
I felt my eyes slowly close and I fell into an unconscious slumber.

But they were forced open because of the sound of the front door slamming open
I knew who it was.

I just wanted to sleep after a long day but that wouldn't happen now

"BABE WHERE ARE YOU!" I heard from downstairs
My body shivered when I heard his voice

I didn't answer
"BABE!" He shouted again

I remained silent, hoping that if he thought I was asleep he'd leave it, and just let me rest

I closed my eyes again, whilst I heard his heavy footsteps climb up the stairs.

He swung the bedroom door open and shouted "I KNOW YOURE NOT ALSEEP GET UP"

I decided to keep my eyes closed, I could smell the alcohol on him and a vague hint of weed.

"DONT IGNORE ME!" He screamed then dragged me out of the bed.
My head collided with the nightstand and my body felt woozy

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING!" He shouted in my face, some of his spit hitting me

"I- I- I've had a bad day... I- j- just wanted to r-r-rest" I stuttered hopelessly

I received a back hand and fell to the floor.

I knew he was right
"Yes. I-I'm sorry" I almost cringed

"WHERE WOULD YOU BE WITHOUT ME HUH?" He asked, his tone still as aggressive as ever

"Dead" I replied. Crying to myself hoping and praying he wouldn't see the tears

"EXACTLY... now come here" he said patting his thigh

I got up, despite how heavy my body felt, and how weak my arms were.
And I moved slowly onto his leg where he wrapped his arms around me. Almost lovingly but I knew there was a sinister undertone

"You know I love you right" he cooed stroking my face

"Yes" I whispered

"Come on baby say my name" he teased, caressing my cheek, not letting me look away

"Yes Aaron" I let out, meekly

My mind continued to wonder around, trying to find a way to get out of this situation
Then I had the perfect idea

"Can I stay at my friends house tonight. I need to help him with his talent training" I asked, looking him in the eyes so that he wouldn't suspect me of lying

"I thought he was at work to tonight" Aaron asked

"No he- he got given the day off because of the talent thing" I said, slightly slipping up but I remained half confident

"I suppose you can. But don't stay up to late" he grabbed my face a little more aggressively

I nodded my head as fast as I could and he finally let me leave.

As soon as I got out of the house my feet ran as fast as they could.
My friend WAS at work so I ran to where he was.

Entering the loud club, being allowed to slip past the bouncers I had become familiar with.
I manoeuvred my way through the groups of people and finally got to the bar where I saw Wilbur smiling and talking to customers. Using his usual boyish charm

He glanced over to the other end of the bar and saw me, immediately ditching the girls he was talking to and smiling as he came over.

Once he got closer though his face dropped, he looked at his manager and put a finger up, which indicated he was going on a break.

He grabbed my hand and walked me to one of the staff rooms.

"Did he hit you again?" Wilbur immediately asked, sitting me down and staring into my eyes

"It wasn't as bad this tim-"

"SO HE DID! That BASTARD!" Wilbur exclaimed
"I'm gonna kill him!" Wilbur added

I stood up and held him back from nothing in particular
"No please. He's all I've got there's nothing I can do without him" I cried

"You can stay with me" he replied

"No I don't want to burden you"

"Ranboo you're not a burden. You're my best friend"

"And that's why I'm asking you not to do anything" I finished, the tears in my eyes beginning to fall

Wilbur let out a sigh
"this is the last straw... if he does it again I'm coming over" he warned

"Ok" I whispered

"Do you wanna have some drinks... on me?" Wilbur asked

"But I look like this" I said, pointing to my face

"Do you want some makeup?"

I nodded and Wilbur got right to it.

He spent a good half an hour cleaning up my bruised and marks, I winced at a couple of his soft touches.
But eventually I felt fine again, almost... pretty?

I walked over to the dance floor and got three drinks, drinking them all as quick as possible, each time the alcohol hurt I thought back to the pain Aaron would cause me. And it would make it all better

When I stood up again, the alcohol hit me all at once and I began to loose my mind, but I enjoyed it.

I moved on the the dance floor, hearing the arctic monkeys music booming over the crowd, and amongst them I saw the closest thing to an angel I could imagine.

He was so small and adorable, his black and yellow jumper reminded be of a little bee, and I wanted to- no NEEDED to go to him.

He seemed to notice me as our eyes met, he began seating over to me on the floor, so I joined in.

It didn't take me long to act as in pure impulse I leaned down to him and waited for his reaction, and when he looked at me with the same desire as I had towards him I allowed our lips to lock

The roller coaster of emotions, over took any form of sober thinking, any bad thoughts were gone when I was in contact with this small angel.

Aaron dissipated into the back thought of my mind and as the kiss broke, my eyes remained closed for the second to longer on the feeling of the kiss

But I felt someone nudge into me and I moved away quickly. Trying to find Wilbur to tell him what happened.

"WILBUR!" I shouted over the loud music

"Yeah buddy what can I get you?" He smiled

"Advice" i meekly responded

"Oh yeah of course... on what?"

"I kissed a guy, and I loved it"

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