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Hey guys it's I the author

Quick Q&A here if you want it ;)

Just ask questions abs I'll answer as many as I can, nothing Is off limits XD

Anyway enjoy the chapter :))

Tubbo pov:

I couldn't let go, once my arms were wrapped around him they almost fused with his body.

"I'm so sorry that's happened to you" I cried into his shoulder

"Don't be... you've done nothing wrong, you've actually helped me a lot" Ranboo mumbled back, I could feel his tears seeping through my clothes but I didn't mind.

I don't know how long we stayed there for, but it was enough to make my stomach grumble

I let out a soft giggle, it ruined the saddened mood but that was probably a good thing

"I'm hungry" I spoke

"I can tell" Ranboo joked

"I'm gonna order some food do you want any?" I asked

"I'm allow-" Ranboo began but I cut him off

"Of course you're allowed. You're allowed anything you want from this point on ok, you never have to ask again" I smiled then kissed his forehead.

Admittedly it took us almost an hour to decide what to eat, but that was because o couldn't decide. We decided to play it safe and go for pizza

We put on some more anime, eventually getting bored since we'd watched it a couple nights before.
So instead we put on gravity falls.

Ranboo however did get annoyed with me because I kept quoting what the characters would say before they said it.

But it was funny and we simply joked about it.

"Can I ask you a pretty serious question" I asked Ranboo, almost abruptly

"Yeah sure" he replied, wrapping and arm around me so I was closer to him, to his warmth

"Have you told anyone else?"

Ranboo stayed silent for a moment then he opened his mouth to speak "I've told Wilbur snippets, but not everything like I just told you"

"Ok. Ok that's fine, I think you should tell him if I'm honest. And I know it's not my place but I think Aaron's the one know drug-"

"Yeah I know. I hadn't ever thought about who did it, but considering everything it makes sense, like dark brown hair and the fact that he was always there" Ranboo cut me off

There was a silence between us whilst I stared at him, so I crawled onto his lap and stared him in the eyes "can I kiss you" I asked

Ranboo gazed into my eyes aswell, looking almost mesmerised before nodding

Then I closed the gap between us
The kiss only lasted a short amount of time but then I got off his lap and spread my arms out
"I love you Ranboo" I yawned then slowly drifted off to sleep on his shoulder

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