Chapter 6

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Bae and Irys have been fighting for a whole week. A picture of Irys waiting outside of Reine's hotel spreads like a wildfire.

After asking Irys if she was cheating, she denied it and reassured Bae that she was faithful to her wife, but Bae has been blinded by frustration in the things she sees on the internet. Thus, their fights have been getting more intense and unbearable for both of them.

"Why would you believe in some shit's on the internet? Do you not trust me at all? I am your wife" Says Irys as she raises her voice.

Bae lets out a scoff. "Says the person who shares a room with another woman." She replied, referring to the picture of Irys and Reine outside of the hotel.

Irys had already stopped trying to explain herself to her wife. It feels like Bae doesn't want to listen to anyone but herself. The red haired girl sighs. "I'm going out for a bit to clear my thoughts. Do whatever the hell you want."


"Oh hey Hakos-chan! Welcome!" The orange haired bartender says as he waved enthusiastically at Bae. Bae then waved back to him.

"Roberu-senpai, It's been a while" Bae greeted

Yukoku Roberu, Bae's senpai in college. Unlike Bae, Roberu dropped out of college to manage his family's bar but he and Bae kept in touch and are pretty close.

During the days when Bae and Irys fought, she would come to Roberu's bar to clear her thoughts and ask for his advice. Although she never said anything about marriage and who the person she's talking about, Roberu would give her some pretty decent advice as to how to handle the situation but she never really followed them.

Which is probably why she ended up with a failed marriage…

"How have you been!" Asked Roberu as he handed Bae a glass of drink. "I haven't seen you in months, did you perhaps find a guy and it's working out, hm?"

"Uhhh no. I did not. More like I've reunited with my ex for a project that's why I wasn't able to visit you"

Roberu's eyes widened and dropped whatever he was doing. He immediately went in front of Bae and took a seat.

"Tea. Spill." He said, earning a giggle from Bae.

"There isn't much to spill, stop being so hungry for gossip. As I was saying, one of my books got a movie adaptation and my ex is the director--"

"Do they have a new lover?"

Bae paused and bit her lips. "Nope." It was really obvious that she's quietly celebrating inside that her ex is still single but Roberu didn't say anything about it.

"As long as they don't bother or make you uncomfortable then it's all good." He went back to work and Bae finished up her drink. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was bothering the red haired girl and he wanted to help her.

"But, what would you do if they did end up with a new lover?" 

Bae was taken aback. She did not expect this question to pop up and was completely unprepared. What would she do if Irys did end up with someone new. It's clear to see that she has not moved on yet even if she keeps denying her feelings.

"Nothing. It's none of my business if they end up falling in love with someone. Who am I to meddle with their business?" She replied with bitterness.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that"

Another moment of silence. That question really bothered Bae. But her answer is valid isn't it? If Irys did end up falling in love with someone like Reine or something since the two obviously had a weird chemistry around them despite their banters, Bae couldn't do anything about it right?

She groaned. "Ah fuck. Can I be vulnerable in your bar right now?"

"Go on" Roberu replied with a smirk

"This is going to sound selfish but I don't care." She took a deep breath and started "I do not want her with another person. I don't want her looking into their eyes and getting lost in them. I don't want her to hug them tightly. I don't want her kissing them. I don't want her cuddling with them or calling them every night. I don't want her falling in love with someone else. I do want her to be happy but I want her to be happy with me." 

Slowly, tears were forming in Bae's eyes. This was the first time she actually said what she was feeling, being vulnerable in front of someone was not her thing but only this one time, she decided to let it all out.

She then continued, "I know she won't come back. She was over it the second she left. She didn't even look back, but I don't hate her for it. I still miss her and want her next to me. I know she doesn't think about me the way I think about her. I know she doesn't spend her day crying about it. But i want her to tell me that once in awhile, at least for a second, that i cross her mind"

Roberu was too stunned to even reply. At times like this he would give Bae some advice but for the first time he was lost of words. He couldn't do anything but hug the crying girl in front of him. He doesn't know the full story of these two ex lovers but he knows one thing for sure.

Bae is still in love with this person

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