Chapter 7

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??? POV
I smiled at the lighter in my hand. This would be my revenge on the place. For killing so many people. For shattering the hearts of families. Including mine. I lit the lighter (LOL lit the lighter) and set the place on fire and ran away.
(Later in the afternoon)
Luna dragged Springtrap outside the office by the hand, gripping his hand tightly. "Well, well, well.... I see you two are a couple now, right?" Mangle had appeared in front of them. Springtrap blushed and mumbled,"Ummm......" Luna smiled and hugged him tightly. "Yes, yes we are!" Springtrap smiled at Luna, blushing hard. And as if to emphasize that she and Springtrap were officially a couple, she also kissed his cheek. Mangle smiled. "Good. Now if you'll excuse me.." she left. Springtrap kissed Luna's forehead. "You know the fact that we really are together doesn't need emphasizing, right?" Luna smirked and said, "For me? Nope. For other people? That will take much longer." Springtrap smiled softly at her." Really? I don't-" suddenly, his eyes went dark and he fell to the ground. "SPRINGTRAP?!" Luna cried. Suddenly she felt herself getting shut down too.
Luna's POV
I woke up in a dark room. "Ugh..... w-where am I?" I couldn't see anything. Not even my fur. "Well..... I see you two are awake.
Suddenly, lights opened and I found myself tied down to a metal bed, and I........I saw Springtrap shackled to the wall, barely even conscious of his surroundings. Something-or someone- stepped out from the shadows and walked to Springtrap. "No.... please don't..." I whispered, my voice soft for some reason. I looked down and saw a big, gaping hope where my voice box should be. I was lucky I even had any sort of voice at all. I tried to talk again, but only this happened: "sAVe tHeM..." and as if on cue, Springtrap's voice box replied," yOu c-CaN't..." I looked at the thing and he seemed to blending into the shadows. And then it hit me. The reason it blended in with the shadows was because it was a shadow itself. It's eyes were tiny white pinpricks of light. He was holding a knife. Does he know? Does he? I asked myself over and over. And he knows. Our soul orbs are what keeps me and Springtrap alive. And he was holding the knife over the place where Springtrap's heart should be. And where his soul orb was located.

??? POV
I had become good friends with the Marionette, or Mari, as she told me to call her. Suddenly, my ears heard a faint noise down the hall. I motioned for Mari to follow. I saw a open door and peeked inside.... and I saw a scene I would never forget for the rest of my animatronic life. His eyes were barely open, but he saw me. I could hear him whispering my name. "G-Goldie?"

?? POV
Hmm. Two of them? I had never known there were two golden ones. No matter. I'll take care of the other one later. I raised the knife over head and brought it down with force.

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