Going on a Trip!

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You woke up in the middle of the night, you could hear thunder and rain outside. You look over to your phone, it was 3:26 a.m. Felix wasn't in bed which was weird.

You got out of bed retying your robe, and walked to the door. The floor was cold but it felt nice, the air conditioner must've been all whack. You walked around the house.

"Felix...? Felix?"
No answer.

You saw light coming from the bottom of his office, he must be in there. You slowly opened the door and there he was, sleeping at his desk. His face on the desk, and he was editing his videos.


You shake his shoulder gently.

"Baby what are you doing in here? You should be in bed, it's late."

He groaned and slowly opened his eyes.

"I know, I was... I was just doing some stuff."

"Like what?"

"Well I walked into the room to talk to you but your were already asleep. I went to the store and grabbed a pregnancy test with 3 inside just to be sure, because I really want this baby."


"So I came back and put the tests on the dresser for you to see when you wake up. I came in here to do a lot more videos so I could spend some more time with you. I must've fallen asleep while editing them all."

"Awh that's sweet, I never even looked at the dresser I just went straight out looking for you."

"Yeah well now we can be extra sure."

"Come to bed babe, you can finish that in the morning."

You put his arm around your shoulders and your arm around his waist to help support him on the way to the room. You laid him in the middle of the bed, then you crawled into bed with him.

He took off his shirt and pants since he was too tired to change into pajama's. You cuddled up next to him. The thunder had stopped and there was just rain, with every drip on the window you fell deeper and deeper asleep.


You awoke to the scent of flowers and berries. Felix wasn't in bed, again. You walked out of the room to the bathroom, went pee then washed your hands and face. You put your hair up and walked back into the room to change.

You put on a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a blank white spaghetti strap top them headed downstairs. The scent would not go away, it wasn't strong but the smell was definitely there. You look to see a busy Pewds sweeping the floors and spaying the furniture with a febreze bottle.

"What's with all this? I'm pretty sure spring cleaning is done."

"Well I woke up early this morning to get some stuff done. I made breakfast, I gave Edgar a bath and walked him, finished editing my videos, and now I'm cleaning."

"All this for what?"

"Because I have a surprise for you!"

"Which is?"

"We're flying all the way to California to go to Coachella."

Your face lit up like those people who put Christmas decorations all around their houses. You were so pumped, not for just the fact that you were going to Coachella which almost everyone dreams of but the fact that you're going to experience this with Pewds.

"Oh my mother of god are you serious?!"

"100% serious. Never been more serious in my life."

You ran over and jumped on him to give him a big hug. He ended up taking a step back to balance himself out, dropping the broom.

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