At the orphanage Chapter 2

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Dystiny's P.O.V:

 Mr.Tracy, Mrs.Nita and Sam are the only people that are nice to me here at the orphanage. Everyone else is really. I mean EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!! I hope I get adopted soon. I heard Mrs.Nita tell kids at the ages of 12 and 13 to get ready because some people were coming to adopt a child, her exact words were "We are expecting some visitors today for kids from ages 12 to 13, go get ready chop chop!".Oh Mrs.Nita, she always gets strait to the point! She gets a bit crazy sometimes, but you have to love her! I went upstairs and was heading to my room but as I was walking Steff tripped me and said "I don't know why you are getting ready it's not like you are getting adopted we all know you are going to live here for the rest of your life, you know until they get tired of you and kick you out! Why do you even bother to get ready any more! You are NEVER going to be adopted! face it! HAHAHA!" I don't listen to her, I know that I will be adopted one day. I went to my room and got ready, I was the first girl to be down stairs, all the other girls were caking their faces with make-up. I don't see the point in make-up. Mr. Tracy and Mrs.Nita have always taught me that we are all beautiful, all of the other girls ignore them because they think that their faces being caked with make-up is attractive, but it really isn't! " ALRIGHT GIRLS HURRY UP, THE VISITORS WILL BE HERE SOON!" Mr.Tracy said " Well hey there, how long have you been down here?" he asked me "Awhile" was how i answered. " Do you want breakfast?"he asked me, "I ate before I brushed my teeth." I said "Oh, ok". When the rest of the girls finally came down we all lined up. i was at the far end like usual. Right after we finished lining up Mrs.Nita came in and said that they were here. I"m really excited, I mean we don't get many visitors and when we do they always want the really little girls. That way they can basically raise them. I don't blaim them I mean who does't want to raise their own child. Then 5 guys came in and all the girls started to scream. UGH! I hate when they scream it is so annoying! sometimes i really wish i was deaf. Seriously. I really wish they would calm down. When the guys to their sunglasses off I figured out why the other girls were screaming, right in front of us was the one and only...... One Direction! I really like there music. I don't like them as much as alot of people do, but I will admit that they are really good at what they do. I am acualy pretty confused why they would want to adopt a kid though, I mean they are world famous why would they want a kid? When i looked at each boy I realized that I knew Liam from somewhere else, it took me a while to realize that he was my babysitter before he went on the X-Factor! When they got down the line to where I was Liam finaly looked up and saw me, his expression was mixed with happiness and confussion. I knew he was wondering why I was here, he never knew about the beatings at home when my parents were home. He came over and pulled me into a hug, we stayed like that untill Steff ruined the moment "Why are you hugging her, when you be hugging any of the other girls, she isn't worthy of being hugged by you!" she said. I started tearing up and Liam must have noticed because before she could say anything else he said "And who are you to decide that?!?!?" before either of them could say anythng Louis, Niall, Harry, and Zayn came over and we all started talking. But when they went to the other room to decide who they were going to adopt, Steff came over and started hitting me when no on was looking, before she could do any real damage Same pulled her off of me and said "WHAT DID SHE EVER DO TO YOU STEFF?!?!?" when the boys came back out to tell us who they were ton adopt,a bruise was already forming on my cheek from when Steff hit me. The boys came over and told that they were adopting me, then they asked what happened to my cheek and i siad it was nothing, Liam bend down and whispered in my ear "When we get home me and you are going to talk about what happened to your cheek." I just said ok, I knew that it was no use to try and argue my way out of it, Liam is not going to let this go. He was always really protective over me, I don't understand why. I don't think he knows that my old parents would beat.


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