shopping chapter 4

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I thought about the challenge for a second and then made my decision, "I accept your challenge!" and with that we both started eating. A few minutes later I finished my food, and when I looked up I saw Niall still eating. "I think I finished before you Ni." he looked up in shock and said "How, huh, what, how?! Are you like superhuman or something? You got more food than I did and finished all of us!" I just sat there and smiled as they stared at me in shock. "What?! Liam you look like you haven't seen this before! I used to eat like this all the time!"............ "It just got really quiet, I don't like it." I said "Well we should get going if we are going to go shopping." said Louis, "Hold on, I have a question." I said, "And what is that." said Zayn, "Which one of you guys are my dad?????" "That would be Liam....... you know because he is the most responsible." "Ok." I said. "LETS GO SHOPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" yelled Louis. "OK!" we said in unison, we looked at each other kinda creeped out. "That was weird!" I said, and with that we left.


short chapter but thats all i had time for. I have been very busy! I had to pack for Guatemala, get my work for while I am gone, and all that nice stuff sooooooooooooooooooo ya. Lame excuses but ya. I am not lieing I swear! Love you my Unicorns! Talk To Y'all soon! (I'm southern, I had to put y'all. It's like a rule of the south) But anyway I gotta go, see y'all soon!!!!!!

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