telling Liam chapter 3

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Dystiny's P.O.V:

We got to the car and the Louis was asking how me and Liam knew each other "Well do you want the long version or the short version?" I ask him "Short version" he said "He was my babysitter before he went on X-Factor." I told him. When we got to their house, they gave me a tour and finally showed me where my room was. It was right next to a room that they didnt show me, huh I'll check that later. When the other boys left the room Liam came over and said "Now lets talk about what happened at the orphanage, by the way why were you at an orphanage anyways?" he asked/said, "which part at the orphanage and the second part is complicated." I didn't want Liam to know that my parents used to abuse me, "THEY WHAT?!?!?" did I just say that out loud? "Yes, yes you did". Well I might as well tell him he alredy knows, "Well here goes the nothing" I mutter under my breathe, "When you weren't babysitting my mom and dad would beat me, and I never told you because I knew you would do something jurasic! So when you left for X-Factor and we lost touch the beatings got worse, and then one day mom and dad decided they didn't want me anymore, mom told me to pack my clothes so i go tthe bag i kept under my bed and put as much clothes I could into the bag, then she came in and told me to wait in the car and when she got to the car she told me were we where going and the rest well that is unnecessary information" that is all I wanted him to know, " Oh, well why didn't you tell me what was going on before I left for X-Factor?"he asked "Because I didn't want to keep you from achieving what you had been dreaming of since before you even met me!" "But I could have helped you! I could have gotten you out of that situation! Why wouldn't you want me to help you? Why?" "I don't know! I didn't want you getting hurt!" "Hey, I would do anything fot you okay?" "Okay." (Haha see what i did there!!!! Ok!) "Now get some sleep we are going shopping tomorrow." "Alrighty, night Liam. Love you!" "NIght Dystiny, love you too!", and with that I fell asleep.


The next day still Dystiny's P.O.V

I woke up to the boys jumpin on my bed, they are so immature! "Ugh! 5 more minutes!" "Nope, WE ARE GOING SHOPPING SO GET UP AND READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i Heard Louis yelling, he may be the oldest but he is definitly not the most matture! "Fine!" I said before he could say anything else. Once I was ready I went down stairs to see harry making muffins, pancakes, waffles, bacon, eggs, you name it. There was a lot of food on the table. Then again I am living with 5 boys, and one of them is Niall soooooo.... ya now all of that food makes since.

"Dystiny we're leaving in an hour so eat up!" Harry said. I got a plate and loaded it with food and sat down at the table and Zayn was just staring at me and Niall "What, why are you staring at us?" i ask him, "Well for one you have more food than Niall and that is near impossible, and second how do you 2 eat that much serioulsy!?!?!" "I bet you can't finish before me!" Niall said 

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