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⌦ 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑡𝑤𝑠: 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑢𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑡
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1455


Minho was on his way to his parents'. He was driving his dad's old car he got when he moved out to his own apartment. It has already been two years since that.

It had been a while since he was home last time and he really missed it. He really missed his parents and of course, his three cats that he calls his kids but always gets weird looks from people because of it. Minho doesn't care though.

The radio is humming ans thrumming music in the background and it creates comfortable and warm atmosphere. Minho likes moments like these. When he feels truly happy and feels like everything- every single thing in his life is going okay. He is doing okay. No worries, no stress, no anxiety and no fears.

And for now, he keeps driving, surrounded by calmness, nonchalance and freedom.

The weather is also nice, or at least Minho thinks it is. The sky is gray and it looks like it's going to be raining soon. It's autumn now and the days are getting colder and the day light is getting shorter. The sun hasn't shown itself lately. The dark, thick clouds are blocking its way to the ground, to Earth. Minho doesn't mind though. He likes the chilly and gloomy days, especially on days when his own mind is the same: gloomy, gray and melancholy, just like the sky. Minho likes autumn.

It's a Saturday evening and the road isn't too busy or bustling. It's nice, though. Maybe Minho isn't the only one who thinks that all that hurry and rush of life isn't suitable for Saturdays. Or maybe it's because of the weather. It's funny to realise how much the weather actually can control people.

Minho gives a little, breathy laugh. Not to anyone particular, maybe not even to himself. Sometimes he just laughs or smiles, out of nowhere, because he feels so good. When he's in a good mood and he feels like life isn't always that bad, not at all. Life can be exhausting and smile consuming, but even after the worst, hardest days, life can also be rewarding and cheerful, causing a smile on Minho's dry and chapped lips.

That's why Minho thinks he's addicted. Addicted to life.

As Minho keeps driving, his eyes wander to something that stands out. It's a person who stands on the side of the road. Well, you may think: what's wrong with standing on the side if the road? Well, everything, actually. At least, if Minho were asked. The person is not just a random pedestrian on a walk, no no, the vibes and the aura that surrounds the mysterious figure gives Minho a bad feeling.

As Minho gets closer he realizes the person is a young boy, maybe in his twenties. He's small, slim and slender looking, wearing baggy and worn out clothes. The boy has brown hair that looks like it's a little too long for his own liking.

Minho gets a weird feeling as he looks at the boy. It's the feeling he considers as uncomfortable and anxious. The one he doesn't like. He drives past the boy, but can't keep driving. He just can't.

Somehow he automatically decelerates and slows down until the cars stops, on the side of the road.

He knows he may seem like a complete fool; parking his car messily on the verge of the road just because he just saw a random boy and can't keep driving and letting the stranger be. He shouldn't do this, but at the same time, he definitely should.

So, he opens the car door and climbs out. The boy is still standing on the same spot, maybe ten meters away from the car. Minho walks hesitantly and slowly towards the stranger and stops a few meters away, just in case. Minho considers himself as brave- really fucking brave and he feels proud of himself because of that. That stranger could be a psychopath or a serial killer or anything, really. But Minho can't feel any fear right now.

Minho doesn't know why the boy hasn't turned to look at him yet, because he's sure that the boy had heard him. Heard Minho's footsteps on the asphalt or Minho's car parking- anything. Or maybe the boy just doesn't care. That one could be true, regarding the situstion Minho is sure of.

Minho isn't sure what he should say. But before he could even start to think of different options, his mouth is speaking.

"Hey there" he says. He looks cautiously at the boy, trying to see what reaction the boy has, but doesn't see anything. But boy stays still.

Now though, as Minho looks closer, he can see the boy shaking and trembling in place. Maybe he's shivering out of cold? Minho doesn't know and can't help the feeling of worry and concern creeping to him.

Minho is worried, of course he is. Minho is sure what the boy's reason and his motive is to be here, on the side of this road, waiting for a next car that is going to pass him a little too fast... a perfect speed to jump under and die. Minho shivers. He doesn't want to think about these kinds of things, but it's really hard right now.

"Ummm... could you, like, come here for a second? Like, away from the road? It's dangerous, you know, to stand so close..." Minho says and he doesn't know if he even makes any sense.

He can see the boy exhaling shakily, maybe sighing. Then the boy shifts his weight from the other leg to the other and turns to look at Minho.

They stand there, face to face, a few meters apart. Minho can feel his heart shattering, breaking, just a little as he looks at the boy. The boy is so pale, dead looking. Dark bags under his red eyes and cheeks raw and wet, likely from tears. He looks like he hasn't slept in ages. Maybe he hasn't...

"Oh my... My name is Minho, by the way... Can you tell me your name?" Minho chooses to ask next. Maybe the situation won't that awkward if they introduce themselves. They're strangers after all.

"Jisung... I'm Jisung" the boy -Jisung- says. Minho nods.

"Okay Jisung... can you take a step away from the road? It would be safer... it's dangerous to stand so close to the road..." Minho says.

"I- I... I don't know..." Jisung says and turns to look away. Instead, he looks to the ground, avoiding Minho's worried and concerned eyes.

"Well, I do... and I also know that you shouldn't be doing this... think about your family, your friends? What would they think?" Minho asks and he can't help but think his tone sounds nothing but accusing and blaming... he doesn't want that though. He needs to be careful and cautious.

"They don't care... nobody does... I'm all alone..." Jisung says, sounding broken.

"What do you mean? Of course, they care, Jisung, you are not alone, you know?" Minho feels bad. He feels how empathy, sympathy and compassion is seeping through him.

"You're wrong..." Jisung says quietly, still looking at the ground.

"I'm not, though... come on now, come here and we can talk, yeah? You can rant all you want and I'll listen to you, okay?" Minho offers. He takes a few steps towards the boy and holds his right hand out for Jisung to take.

Jisung hesitates. He looks between Minho and Minho's hand, clearly hesitating and thinking all kinds of things and possibilities. Minho can see the boy debating with himself inside his head. Jisung's head must be a really messy place and also a really dark place, Minho thinks.

But then, Jisung's cold, shaking hand slips into Minho's own warm and steady one. Minho then pulls a little, making the boy come closer and away from the road.

"We can go inside my car? It would be warmer there..." Minho offers and Jisung nods slightly.

It's funny to see how easily Jisung trusts Minho. And Minho is glad about that. He's glad that he could help the boy, offer his hand and making him feel less lonely. And of course Minho trusted Jisung. Jisung ended up being the coolest, the nicest and the most interesting person Minho has ever met in his entire life. And despite of Jisung's family problems and lack of loyal, trust worthy friends, his smile was really pretty.

Minho didn't go to his parents' that weekend; he drove home and offered Jisung a place to stay. It's not that Minho regretted that decision or felt bad after, he was really happy and really glad.

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