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⌦ 𝑆𝑒𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑖𝑛
⌦ 𝑛𝑜 𝑚𝑎𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑤𝑠, 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑚𝑜𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑑
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 1084


There's a knock on the door, breaking Seungmin out of his head space. He hums to let the intruder know that they're allowed in and keeps his focus on the book in front of him on the table, in the middle of the mess of papers and books. He hears the door opening as he turns the page and pushes his glasses more up so they're don't fall.

"Minho hyung gave me this today, he said I should give it to you" the voice from the doorway says. It's Jeongin. Seungmin hums again. He lifts his eyes from the book before him and turns his head to the door. There Jeongin, his younger friend, stands in all his glory. In his other hand he has a pack of cigarettes. He looks at Seungmin.

"Where's a "hello, hyung", huh? Where's the respect of these youngsters!?" he speaks, trying to act serious but they both know he's joking. Jeongin laughs a little.

"Well, hello, hyung" Jeongin then says and smiles.

"Hello, Jeongin, and yes, thank you, hyung owed me that" Seungmin says as he pushes his chair back, stands up and reaches the younger. He takes the pack out of the other's hand and goes back to his original place. He expects Jeongin to leave, but nothing happens.

"What are you still standing there for? Waiting for a miracle or?" Seungmin jokes again as he looks at the other.

"What are you reading about?" the other asks instead, taking soft steps into the room, as if afraid to be in someone else's territory or in a forbidden area. His presence is asking for a permission and Seungmin answers it by saying: "I'm reading about constellation" he says and points at the book with his eyes. Jeongin reaches him and stops beside him.


"Yes, it's really interesting"


Jeongin looks genuinely intrigued and amazed. He eyes the book and the pages that are currently open in front of them. Then he takes a look at the table and sees all the papers scattered around carelessly and other books, some open and some closed in messy piles that look like they could fall over at any moment.

"How come you read so much about stuff but you're not in university? I've always wondered about that... if you like studying, why are you not, like, really studying things?" Jeongin then asks, genuinely curious as he eyes all the books.

"Well, you know, there's better things to learn than what they teach in schools... why go to university when you can learn about things at home?" Seungmin says casually and shrugs, as if the previous question Jeongin asked was the simplest ever.

"But... doesn't university also give you some benefits? That you won't get without it?" Jeongin then asks.

"Well... I just don't really like the systems, you know? And the people..."

"Ah, the people, of course" Jeongin laughs a little, a bit mockingly, but not in a mean way only. He sounds compassionate and understanding as well. Seungmin appreciates it. "Why do you hate people so much?" the younger adds.

"I mean, look what people have done... they litter and pollute, destroy this planet that's their only home, and eventually, in the end, ending up being the victims of the apocalyptic disaster which they started themselves... kind of like commiting a mass suicide..." Seungmin explains, making a bit deep and difficult topic sound so simple and light. Seungmin really thinks about things and is good at thinking. Seungmin is always good at what he does, Jeongin thinks.

"That sounds way too depressing, doesn't it? But people have also done some good things... not every thing is bad" Jeongin says.

"You're right, but does it matter in the end? Nothing is eternal, we're all going to die anyway, only memories will be there until they die too" Seungmin says. "All people talk about is money nowadays and I'm sick of it... money won't stop this planet from being ruined, it's already happened in some places and it keeps on going" he sighs.

Jeongin knows Seungmin is into many things, astronomy being one of those things. He reads a lot and spends a lot of time in the library. He always has a book with him, everywhere he is and everywhere he goes. Always. Seungmin has his own way of thinking, viewing things. It's something very special, unique and valuable. Jeongin really looks up to his hyung and respects him. Still, there are things Jeongin doesn't quite get. But he doesn't let it bother him too much. Just listening to his hyung speaking about everything and anything is enough for him. It's calming and comforting as well as sometimes very helpful and useful.

Seungmin can also be very straightforward but in a fair, honest way and not in a plain rude way. Seungmin isn't rude. He just has his own way of expressing things, his own way of thinking. Jeongin knows one of the things Seungmin absolutely hates is politics. Seungmin has explained that he just doesn't get politicians these days. That's fine though. Jeongin isn't intolerant or questioning.

Seungmin has his own persona who, for instance, makes sure his friends pay their debts.

They stay in a comfortable silence. Both in their own thoughts, in the depths of their minds. Seungmin puts his glasses on the table and turns to look at Jeongin.

"I need a cig now, come with me" he says and grabs the pack of cigarettes as he stands up again. He looks at the other waitingly.

"Ah, I don't smoke" Jeongin says, suddenly a bit shy and sheepish, a small smile on his face. He rubs his neck a bit. "By the way, it's really cold outside today though, if you open the kitchen window, the whole apartment will freeze, us included" he adds.

"One: you not smoking doesn't stop you from coming with me and keeping me compnay and two: we can just go to the balcony and close the door, that way only we will freeze" Seunglin points out taking the other man by the hand. They make their way across the room. "I can teach you about stars later, if you want" Seungmin adds then, stopping for a monent to look at the other. A smug smirk makes its way onto his lips as he winks jokingly. Jeongin feels his face go hot for a moment. He blinks and smiles then.


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