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⌦ 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔
⌦ 𝑛𝑜 𝑡𝑤𝑠
⌦ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑠: 811


The sky looks mesmerizing. It makes anyone want to stop all the other things at hand and just exist, looking at the sky in all its glory. It makes even time want to stop.

The sky above the horizon is golden. Yellows turning to oranges and reds until it turns to violets and blues. In the highest, the sky is pitch black with stars glittering there. The colors create colorful shades on the city as well. It all looks like out of the real world. Like a paradise.

"Want to go on a walk with me?" a voice behind Jisung asks. He turns his head and meets eyes with Minho.

"Yes! It's so beautiful outside, I love the sky" he says excitedly and smiles happily, almost beating the sun outside that's setting, as if retreating behind the horizon.

"I like it more with you in front of it though" the older says and smiles. Jisung feels his heart skip a beat.

"You sap! Don't say things like that out of nowhere" he scolds but honestly, he doesn't mind his heart beating a bit quicker in the presence of the other.

"But yes, let's go"

They walk side by side, hand in hand, down the streets. They're subconsciously heading towards the beach but neither of them mind. It's a favorite place for the both of them.

"Why did you fall in love with me?" Minho asks suddenly. It's a big question and needs some processing in Jisung's head.

He chuckles. Because the question sounds unreal and because it makes him feel funny with butterflies it creates in his belly.

"Why are you laughing?" Minho asks and acts offended. "I thought our love was real, now it turns out to be fake" he retreats his hand from Jisung's own and holds it onto his chest. "My heart is broken now" he says and sniffles in a fake manner.

It makes Jisung let out an amused laugh. He goes to take Minho's hand back into his own.

"You're a dummy" he says. "The question's just too easy" he says.

"Oh? Let me hear you say it then" Minho challenges.

Jisung's heart beats and he feels his cheeks go hot. He hates how readily he gets flustered. But it's okay. He knows just how much Minho likes to tease and make him whine.

"Do I have to?" he asks and pouts.

"Yes and now, stop pouting, it won't get you anywhere" Minho says.

"Okay" Jisung takes a breath and thinks carefully, even if the words are already on his tounge. He just can't help but feel shy and a bit insecure as well.

"One day, I was sitting in a bus and on my way to Felix's. Then, at one stop this one man got on the bus and I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He looked gorgeous and the most beautiful human being I'd ever seen" Jisung explains slowly, not wanting to stumble over his words.

Minho's silent beside him so he goes on.

"The bus had plenty of seats available, but for some reason, the man decided to sit right next to me" Jisung says. His voice is soft and shy and Minho glances at him fondly.

He remembers that exact same day like the back of his own hand. And he treasures the memory of the moment very dearly.

Because that was the moment he fell for Jisung. And the fact it's the same other way around has his heart beating.

"I still can't believe it" Jisung admits and looks at the sand under his feet. There's pretty blush covering his cheeks and Minho can't help but poke one of his cheeks.

"Stop it!" Jisung says but amused.

"What do you not believe?" Minho asks.

"I don't know" Jisung breathes out. "That we're together and that we sync so perfectly... that I've found my soulmate" he explains and turns to look at Minho. Minho looks back at him.

"And that I love him" Jisung finishes and looks away quickly.

"No, really?" Minho teases.

"Stop" Jisung says and covers his face with his hands. Minho laughs lightheartedly. He's too fond.

"Never" he says and goes to peel Jisung's hands away from his pretty face. "Don't hide, you just confessed you love me" he laughs but Jisung whines.

"It's embarrassing" he exclaims.

"But is it less embarrassing if I told you I love you too, huh?" Minho asks with a raised eyebrow.

Jisung stays silent but he nods, perhaps just too shy to actually say aloud how much he likes it.

They keep walking along the beach under the setting sun. It feels magical, almost like they'd be in a fantasy. In reality, they're real and that's more than okay with them.

They wouldn't want things to be any different than they are now. It's almost perfect.

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