Chapter 3

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*1 more year later* 2017*

"Ava." I raise my head up to look at my boss who was staring at me looking annoyed as always. He was only a few years older than me and the first time I met him I was shocked at his age for being the CEO of this company. His brown hair is short, he's around six feet tall, and to be honest he's hot. But he's an ass. "We have a client coming in today at ten o'clock." Is all he says before heading back towards the door. Before he exits he stops and turns around to say, "Let's not have another incident like last time." He says snapping at me. I roll my eyes as soon as he leaves the room. About six months ago I received a call from the well known Arlo Beckett who owns Vital Records offering me a paid apprentice job working under him at his record label. I was thrilled and accepted the offer immediately. He told me he never hires anyone fresh out of college but he received a high recommendation of me for the job. And as it turned out that high recommendation came from Zayn.

Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond grateful for the job. Arlo is incredible. But extremely irritable. But I can't say anything since it's such a huge opportunity for me. I've learned so much from him over the last few months. He has many artists at his label, none I really know. He doesn't like me to be around his artists after I freaked out when Lady Gaga came in. She was so nice and was more than happy to take a picture with me. Arlo on the other hand was seething in front of me. He said something along the lines of how embracing I was being and that reflects on him. He has a no speaking unless I'm spoken to rule when handling clients. I've told Zayn the issues I have with him and he said he would have a word with him but I told him not to. The only reason I have this job is because of him. I don't want people thinking I can't fight my own battles too.

Besides the few takes Arlo has me do daily, I mainly sit around writing music all day waiting for him to call me to listen and take notes on stuff. He makes me take notes on almost everything so he doesn't have to repeat himself. I crumple up another piece a paper and throw it at the trash can and I don't even have to look to know it missed and is now scattered on the floor with the rest of the crumpled pieces of paper from today. I nearly jump out of my chair as the phone rings next to me. I pick up the phone already knowing who it is. "Yes, Arlo?" I hear a huff on the other end of the line. "Sorry. I mean Mr. Beckett." I say with mockery dripping off of the name. I swear I could hear him roll his eyes through the phone. "Our client is here early." The click of the his line hanging up hits my ears before I can even reply. "Yes sir." I said lowly.

I stand to my feet grabbing the papers of my desk he was asking for earlier to bring and step over all the balls of paper on the floor and walk out the door into the brightly lit hallway. I walk along the halls past the receptionist desk to the office on the complete opposite side of the building. I chuckle at the memory of him telling me he didn't want my office anywhere near him because of how annoying I am. That's how I got stuck on the other side of the building away from him. I knock and hear him say "Come in" and I open the door and enter his office. First thing I see is my boss sitting at his desk smiling at the client in front of him. Only thing I can see from the back of this person is that they are a brunette and had soft looking hair and he was wearing a tan colored hoodie. My boss stands up as I get closer and reaches for the paperwork I had in my hands for him.

As I'm handing them off to him I side glance to get a look at the man sitting in the chair. My eyes widen at the sight and I quickly bring my hand down but not before knocking the pile of paperwork on my bosses desk all over the floor. "Shit." I say under my breath. My face turns red as I bend over to pick up all the paperwork. I could feel Arlo's glare burning into my back. I mentally curse myself knowing I'm going to hear about this later. I hear footsteps and look up to see Liam Payne bending down to help me pick up the papers from the floor. I freeze in shock at him helping me and he picks up the last pieces before rising back up. I stand up straight as well and he smiles at me as he hands me the papers he managed to pick up.

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