Chapter 4 - all of me

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"Meet me outside when your shift finishes" he said between kisses.

"Whats in it for me?" I replied, smiling as he got visibly annoyed.

"I'll give you what you need... what you want... i'll drive you mad... so mad that you'll never feel the same again... that any other man won't be able to live up to this night..."


He lived up to his promise. My body ached, my skin sweaty. We both lay there catching our breath. It had never been like that with Ollie. When we used to have sèx it was so mundane that you struggled to stay awake. Until we didn't anymore... I never chose to touch him, he made me. He'd go out drinking, and guilt trip me into doing things I didn't want to... all because I chose to do my job... because 'other men get to touch my girlfriend... I get to touch my girlfriend'. Sometimes I let him... sometimes he did it anyway...

But he was different. I wanted him so bad. I needed to feel... to experience him. And boy was it worth it.
The sun was peeking through the thick curtains, sounds of life beginning to rumble from down below.

"Whats going on it that beautiful mind?" He asked, turning to drape his arm over me. "Did I fùck the words right out of you?"

"Are you always this coçky?" I laughed, cuddling closer to him.

"You saw it... you tell me.."

I hit his chest, before turning and sitting on the edge of the bed. My clothes were spread around the floor, my bra hooked over the bed frame. I stood, stretching, before gathering my clothes.

"I better be going" I said, pulling up my thong. I got to my dress which was ripped apart. "Really?" I said turning around.

"It was a good idea last night..." he huffed, before standing from the bed. He stood there completely naked, enjoying the fact I couldn't keep my eyes off him. "You told me to just rip it..." he stalked towards me again, his hand cupping my cheek. "Can I see you again?"

"Do you want to see me again?" I replied, my hand grabbing into his floppy hair.

"Mmm" he moaned, enjoying the feeling of my long nails. "I dont want you to leave my bed. I want to keep you locked up, I want your body whenever I desire.."

I knew I should have said no... I knew it would confuse everything... with Ollie... the secret... my job... but he was so worth it..

"Well... I do have to go... I have stuff to do today... but you can take me to dinner later..." I kissed him shortly, before pulling away. I grabbed a his shirt from the night before and pulled it over my shoulders as I made my way from his apartment.


The day went so quickly, all I could think of was him. The permanent mark he had clearly left on me...

"Where are you off to?" Ollie asked, entering the room as I laced up my red lace shoes.


"With who?" He quickly replied, folding his arms against his shirtless chest.

"Frankly it's non of your business Ollie." I huffed, standing to straighten my dress. I'd chose a red silk shift dress that hung low at the back, my almost ebony hair curled into a tight formation.

"You got a date?" He sneered disapprovingly.

"And what if I have? We both know we arnt together anymore. Your just keeping me here like some sort of psycho."

"Does lover boy know about the... ya know whole murder thing?" He chuckled "did you start, hey my names Cassie and I killed someone" he broke out laughing.

"Your high." I stated, before grabbing my bag and phone "dont wait up"


The restaurant was extremely busy, it was a new one that had only been here for a month. I'd always wondered what it had been like inside. The windows were tinted, distorting the view inside, all you could see were faint shadows.

"Hi table for..." I began

"Follow me miss, I'll take you to the private area" the young waiter announced, before bekoning to follow him.

Right at the back near the kitchen was an area hidden by a thick velvet curtain, a booth placed that you would barely know it was there. He sat there, eyes trained on his phone.

"Sir your date.." the waiter said, before hastily leaving.

"Fùck" he moaned, "did you have to wear something like that?"

"You like?" I smiled, turning to give him a good view.

"Come sit"

I sat across from him, the dim lighting highlighting his tan skin and pale eyes. He was dressed in a smart suit, navy... with a fresh white shirt and tan shoes. His hair was slicked back perfectly... God I wanted to run my hands through it...

"What can I get for you tonight?" The waiter asked, almost appearing out of nowhere.

"2 specials. And a bottle of your finest red." He replied, his eyes staying on mine.

"Right away!" The waiter said before scurrying off.

"How do you know what I like to eat?" I asked.

He shrugged "I guessed... besides I'm not hear to eat... well food anyway..."

I felt heat rise to my cheeks, as I messed with my fingers under the table.

"So... what's your real name?" He asked, breaking the silence.

"Cassie" I answered, "you never told me your name..."



When the food arrived I wasn't even hungry. Seeing him sat there... knowing his touch... I just wanted this to be over...

Like he read my mind he moved to my side of the booth, pushing me into the corner. His hand found my thigh, resting there lightly.

He picked up the fork, and poked a peice of chicken. He brought it to my lips,

"Eat..." he ordered, gripping my thigh tighter. A rush of adrenaline coursed through me as I took the peice of chicken into my mouth. He watched as I chewed, a victorious look on his face. "Good girl"

Seconds later his lips found my neck, making me squirm in my seat. My head pounded, I was so unaware of the people that may see us... all I could feel was him. His hand rubbing up and down my bare thigh... his lips sucking harshly on my neck. His hand stopped at the top of my thigh before pushing my dress up. In a quick motion his hand was where I needed it most, my head falling backwards.

"Look at me when I make you cùm..." he muttered against my neck.

"You know people may see" I answered, not really caring anymore.

"Its probably the most action half of these prudes have seen for years..."

I couldn't help but laugh, but his other hand quickly covered my mouth "stay quiet"

He kept his movements slow, releasing his hand from my mouth. The waiter returned clearing the table before us. He kept his hand moving, enjoying watching me squirm as the waiter came and went.

It all got too much, I closed my eyes, burying my head in his shoulder as the wave washed over me.


After dinner, we went to a club. The music was loud, the crowed sweaty and drunk. But we didn't go to drink, we headed straight to the dance floor. His hands gripped my hips, holding us together as we moved to the beat. His lips were on my neck again, my head resting on his shoulder as we moved.

We ended up in the bathroom, in the cubicle... my thong around my ankles, his pants around his as we went at it against the cold tiled wall.

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