Chapter 5- I like it when you take control

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Weeks went by, I saw Marco pretty much every night... when I was working he would sit at the back, a knowing look on his face..  when I wasn't he would be outside my house, waiting for me to join him at 8pm exactly. It felt like a dream, every day with him was like the first. He was so interested in me, what made me tick...who I really am. Plus it helped he was extremely good in bed.
Seeing him made being with Ollie bareable... but I hadn't told him about Ollie yet... I didn't want the fantasy to end.

It was a warm summers evening, the air was steaming, burning through your skin... the sun was deep gold, beginning to set over the horizon. Children ran around outside, joyous looks on their face as they scoffed ice lollies and sprayed eachother with water guns. Ollie had gone away, on what he said was a work trip... but I knew he was lying. He packed his good clothes, his shirts, nice pants... all I ever got to see was his filthy jogging bottoms.
Taking my chance, I asked Marco over.

I tied my hair back, sweat trailing down my neck. A loose fitting floral dress hung from my shoulders, it was about the only thing I could bare to wear. The doorbell rung, followed by a loud persistent knock on the door. As soon as I opened the door I was greated by his reliable scent, the fresh rainfall that everyone was craving.

"Come in" I said, moving slightly from the doorway

"I was thinking... how about you come to mine... I have a pool..."


I hastily agreed to the pool, craving the feel of the cool water on my skin. We approached his house, a large modern building with glass windows everywhere.

"How many people live here?" I asked sarcastically.

"About 20" he replied, clearly not sensing the sarcasm. Who lived with 20 people?

"You have a big family then?"

"You could say that..." he trailed off, before swinging the car into the huge garage. "They're my associates"

I chuckled, imagining what he meant "next you'll say your in a gang or something"

He didn't reply. He took off towards a door which lead outside.

"Very gentlemanly" I scoffed, closing the door behind myself. "Wow."

The garden was huge, a large pool centered a never ending manicured garden. Flowers were imaculatly pruned, workers tending to them. People sat around the pool, wearing swim shorts and bikinis.

"Is there a party?" I asked, jogging to catch him up.


"Talk to me properly... or you can drive me home right now." I crossed my arms, standing my ground. "Whats going on"

"You really don't know? All the money I have... the way people act around me... damn even the way the waiter was oblivious to me touching you in the restaurant that night."

"Stop being such a dìck." I retorted

"You want to know?" He turned, his eyes glaring down at me. "I'm a bad man. I do bad things... the money, the house... all of it... is earning through questionable measures."

"Just say it."

"I'm in the mafia... I am the mafia. And sweetheart... now you know I can't let you leave" he completely changed. His demeanour cold... stoic.

Surprisingly I didn't care. How could I? I wasn't exactly mother Teresa...

"I dont care" I said, moving towards him. I took his shirt collar in my hands, gripping tightly. "I have secrets too..."

His hands instantly curled around my waist, pulling me flush to his body. "Your so fùcking hot"

"Thank you... but so is everyone today." I said chuckling to myself.

"I mean it... regardless... still doesn't mean I'm gonna let you leave now..." his lips found my neck, beginning to kiss up and down slowly.

"I'll do you a deal... I dont have work till tomorrow night... I'm yours till then"


After staying like that for a good 10 minutes, we approached the pool, his hand possessivly looped around my waist.

"Leave" he ordered, causing everyone to scuttle away into the house, all except one girl.

She was tall, surely 5 foot 10, her hair was almost black, her skin tanned. She stood, her toned body lightly clothes in a beige swimsuit. Her toned legs were highlighted by the silver heels, matching aviators covered her eyes.

"Marco... now that's no way to speak to your big sister" she beamed, before placing her shades on the top of her head. Her eyes were the same as his, a stunning sky blue. "Who's this beauty?"

"Cassie... this is my sister Allesandra." Marco said, a warm smile on his face.

"You can call me Ally" she was so happy, a genuine smile on her face. She moved towards us before hooking my other arm and pulling me away from Marco to sit on the sunbed she was sat on a minute ago.

"So tell me... where did you meet Marco?" She asked, "your wayyyyy to pretty for him"

"He... came to my work" I replied. Seconds later Marco was next to me, his arm hooked over my shoulders.

"She saw me and melted into a puddle..."

I turned, rolling my eyes.
"I did not!"

We sat there talking until the sun went down, Marco kept his eyes on me, occasionally kissing my cheek, shoulder or neck. He really didn't care his sister was sat just there... but neither did I....

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 14, 2022 ⏰

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