The Nightmares

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Cronan was running. He was running away from something but what? Suddenly, he tripped and fell onto a blood red carpet. He frantically started trying to get up and start running again but was soon pinned down. Suddenly, Cronan woke up in a cold sweat and panting like crazy.

He felt sick and rushed over to the bathroom. He threw up into the toilet. Cronan coughed and rinsed out the vile taste in his mouth. He groaned before deciding he'd better get back to bed in case one of the goblins had heard him and came to check on him.

The goblin king walked over to his bed on wobbling legs and got back under the covers. Unfortunately, he didn't go back to sleep after that nightmare and was awake all night.

~The Next Day~

It was a normal day in Elvendale. The birds were chirping, the elf children were playing, the dragons were soaring- wait a minute. Dragons? Yes, Emily and her friends were coming to visit Cronan in his castle. It was one of Emily and Sophie's weekly visits and they'd wanted to go and say hi to Cronan.

It was so lonely in that castle and Cronan had a record of getting into trouble when left to his own devices. They were near the castle now but the weird thing was that Cronan hadn't come out to greet them yet. He always came out to welcome them when they came to visit. "Hey, guys!" Emily shouted.

"Yeah, Emily?" Farran shouted back "Does anyone see Cronan?" She asked "No!" They all replied "Strange. He's usually already come out to greet us." The guardian frowned. "Maybe he's just busy?" Suggested Naida "But you are right. It is quite strange." Agreed Rosalyn. Suddenly they saw the goblin king walking out into the sun waving at them to land.

"Nevermind. There he is." Emily said smiling and waved back at him. They all landed infront of him and jumped down. "Hey Cronan!" Naida greeted "Hello Naida." He replied tiredly "Hey, Cronan. Are you alright?" Emily asked "Perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be?" Cronan asked "Oh, um, no reason." She said. He just shrugged before asking, "Do you guys want something to eat?".

"Yeah!" They all exclaimed and the goblin king lead them into a huge dining room with a table in filled with food. They all sat down and started eating. After they'd finished they all went outside. Everyone was just talking when suddenly they all heard an explosion that shook the ground. "What was that?!" Azari screamed.

"I don't know but we better go check it out," Emily said "Sophie you stay here. It might be dangerous." "What?! No way! I wanna come!" Sophie whined. "No Sophie. It's too dangerous for you." Emily told her sternly "Fine." She crossed her arms and huffed. "OK guys. Let's go." Emily said. They all called their dragons and got on them.

They flew to where the explosion came from and found an elf firing blasts at the trees and sucking the energy out of that part of the forest. The group all gasped, "They're sucking the energy out of this part of the forest!" Exclaimed Rosalyn. "Well, then what are we doing? Let's get down there and stop them!" Said Azari. They all nodded before their dragons went into a dive.

Cronan and Farran used their earth magic to restrain the elf whilst Naida used her water magic to put out all the forest fires. The rest of them all jumped down to help Cronan and Farran against the elf. She'd somehow managed to get out of the vines that they'd used to restrain her and was now attacking them with shadow magic (idk what it's called). Suddenly, she fired a blast of shadow magic at Cronan and hit his torso.

"Cronan!" Everyone exclaimed. He hit the ground with a thump, writhing in pain. The elf was getting ready to fire another blast at him when Azari sent a fire blast at her and drawed her away from Cronan. Rosalyn and Naida ran over to him. Naida made a barrier of water around them whilst Rosalyn got out a potion and dripped it around his torso where the elf had hit him.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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