healthy drinks 2 wake u up

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recipes: healthy drinks to wake you up
// start your a.m. off right with these sips - they'll give you the healthy start you need to dominate any crazy day \\

↝ kiwi-berry juice;
• fight off the morning blues with this blend of mood-boosting fruit that's rich in omega-3s. simply blend 1/2 cup water with a peeled kiwi, an apple, and a handful each of raspberries, blueberries, pineapple chunks, and ice cubes.
↝ cinnamon latte; ☕️
• cinnamon and coffee both help keep your memory sharp, so you won't miss a single cue in the school play. make a cup of hot brewed coffee, and add warm skim milk, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, and a splash of maple syrup.
↝ pb & banana smoothie;
• got swim practice, a student council meeting, and a quiz all before 10 a.m.? this protein-packed breakfast smoothie will fuel you through your busiest mornings. stick a frozen banana, 5 ice cubes, 2 tsp. peanut butter, 3/4 cup coconut milk, and a dash of brewed coffee in the blender.
↝ iced green tea;
• a refreshing alternative to an iced coffee that will still wake you up! add 1/2 cup grapefruit juice, 1 tsp. honey, and a squeeze of lemon to a cup of hot green tea. put the whole thing over ice, and you've got this.


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