quick & easy breakfast ideas

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quick and easy
breakfast ideas
☞ breakfast #1: overnight smoothie
- gather fruits or vegetables (depending
on what you put in smoothies) some ice
and put in a bag. put in the freezer over
night. in the morning get your liquids such
as milk or yogurt & add it all to the
☞ breakfast #2: healthy spin on cereal
- pour Cheerios in a bowl & add the type
of milk you prefer. slice up some fruit and
throw it in! adds a nice taste to the cereal
as well.
☞ breakfast #3: peanut butter toast
- toast up some bread and smooth on
peanut butter [protein]. slice up some
bananas if you want to add an extra
health quick.
☞ breakfast #4: yogurt parfait
- in a cup/bowl, add some Greek yogurt,
mixed fruits and granola. [repeat layers]
☞ breakfast #5: mini pancakes
- whip up your favorite batter the night
before and put into a hot pan the next
morning! [mini ones are adorable]
☞ breakfast #6: eggs
- prepare the egg to your liking, pour
it into the pan to cook. enjoy with a
glass of orange juice.
☞ grab & go meals for when you have
no time & just run out the door:
- yogurt
- fruit
- granola bar
- trail mix
- premade smoothie

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