Chpt.13:Dos Oruguitas

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(The next morning, )
LUISA: Mirabel? Mirabel! Moana!
FÉLIX: Mirabel!
Cecilia:They haven't found them yet?
Julieta:Mirabel! Moana!
(Cut to Moana hugging Mirabel while she was crying)
Moana:Shhhh...please don't cry Mirabel.
Mirabel:What's the point, Moana.Casita is destroyed because of me.I always ruin everything.
ABUELA: Mirabel.
Mirabel:I'm sorry.(CRIES) I didn't want to hurt us.I just wanted to be something I'm not.(CRIES)
[Abuela sits with Mirabel and Moana]
Abuela:I've never been able to come back here.This river is where we were given our miracle.
Moana:Really? It is?
Mirabel:Where Abuelo Pedro...
Moana:What really happened here mrs Madrigal?And how were you given a miracle?
Abuela:I thought we would have a different life.
I thought I would be a different woman.

🎵Two caterpillars
In love
🎶Spend their nights and dawns
Full of hunger
They keep walking
And navigating the world🎶
That changes and keeps changing
Navigating a world
That changes and keeps changing
🎶Two caterpillars stop the wind
As they hold each other with warmth and consent
Keep growing They don't know when
To find some corner shelter
The time keeps changing🎶
They are inseparable
And the weather keeps changing
Oh, caterpillars
🎶Don't hold each other any longer
You must grow apart and return
That's the way forward
Miracles are coming🎶
Chrysalises are coming
You must part
🎶And construct your own future
Oh, caterpillars
Don't hold each other any longer
You must grow apart and return🎶
That's the way forward
Miracles are coming
🎶Chrysalises are coming
You must part
And construct your own future
Two caterpillars
In two cocoons🎶
All bundled up
ABUELA: I was given a miracle.A second chance.
And I was so afraid to lose it that I lost sight of who our miracle was for.And I am so sorry.You never hurt our family, Mirabel.We are broken... because of me.
[Moana taps Mirabel's shoulder and pointed to the river as they both saw the same yellow butterfly from Bruno's vision]
MIRABEL: Abuela.I can finally see.
Moana:We both can.
Mirabel:You lost your home...Lost everything...You suffered so much, all alone, so it would never happen again. We were saved because of you.We were given a miracle, because of you.We are a family, because of you. And nothing could ever be broken that we can't fix... together.
[Moana nods her head]
Abuela: I asked my Pedro for help. Mirabel...He sent me you.
Moana:I love hugs.
(All three of them embrace and smile)
MAN: (SINGING IN SPANISH) 🎶Oh, butterflies
Don't hold each other any longer
You must grow apart and return
🎶That's the way forward
You are already miracles
Breaking chrysalises
You must fly
And find your own future🎶
[Bruno shows up]
Bruno: She didn't do this! Whoa! She didn't do this! (He climbs off his horse) I gave them a vision! (He falls) It was me! I was, like, "Go!" And she was, like... (blows raspberry and points) She only wanted to help. I don't care what you think of me, but if you're too stubborn to...
[Abuela suddenly wraps her arms around Bruno and smiles]
Abuela: Brunito.
Moana:Awwww so cute!
Bruno: I feel like I missed something important.
Moana: You did.We'll explain later.
Mirabel:Come on.
Bruno:What... What's happening? Where are we going?
Mirabel:(EXHALES) Home.
[Cut to all four of them arriving back to the village]

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