G-D help heal him

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After Justin did what he did and was knocked out, we went back to the bus, and then we had an adult drive us to the hospital. We had the adult we had with us bring him in, since we thought that they weren't gonna just let us kids come in alone without one. The Dr. saw us and directed us to a room.

We put him down in the bed and let him sleep. The Dr. called us all out of the room to discuss what happened. He looked to me when he saw the look on my face and the sadness in my eyes and turned toward me. Young lady, can you please tell me what happened here? He asked me gently. When he spoke to me I shook violently in fear.

My face turning as pale as a ghost. My sister jumped in front of me, helping me. She won't speak. Really why not? He asked with concern. She's not the problem right now, we're not worried about her, currently. We worry about her pretty much the rest of the time. Which is kind of why Justin's now knocked out lying on one of your hospital beds.

Because he was trying to protect her. Now the Dr. was really concerned about me. Asking her what happened to him. So she told him. He *sighed* and opened the door to the room. Ok go in. Before he was done with his sentence, I was already in the room by his side. I gently brushed his hair out of his face. Taking his hand in my own.

The Dr. pulled my sister and Cody aside asking them what was wrong with me. My sister shook her head and told him that it wasn't her story to tell, without my permission. He nodded his head and she came over to me, using sign to talk to me about what he wanted to ask me about. I looked over her shoulder to look at the Dr. then back at Justin.

She signed to me that he would be ok. "Promise?!" I signed back. She gave me a sad look avoiding the question all together telling me to go speak with the Dr. "Phoebe!" "Promise me he'll be ok!" Farrah.... "Please sis, promise me!" She took my hands in her own just holding them. We'll discuss Justin later, please go with him. You can't help him if you aren't ok. Please Farrah go with him, here to help you. "Come with us." Ok. I'm assuming I'm going with, in order to translate.

So we went with him. He asked about my past. He asked questions about my speech problem, basically we told him everything that happened. He pondered on this for what seemed like forever and finally decided pretty much nothing. He just wanted to hear about me and the problems I'd been going through. Which was why I had my sister there.

We went back to the room. Where I went to go sit down in the chair beside the bed. Taking his hand in my own rubbing my thumb over his fingers. It took a couple of days, but eventually he did finally wake up. I hadn't left his side since we first arrived, except when my sister made me get up to help myself continuing to tell me that I can't take care of him if I'm not taking care of myself as well. That the one thing Justin needed from me the most was for me to be ok.

On the day he did wake up, I was still sitting in the chair next to him, but I was asleep when he woke up. He made kind of a stretching noise yawning, and everyone immediately came over. OMG we're so glad you're ok. Yeah man. Everyone had been so worried about him, but almost as quickly as they fawned over how happy they were, Cody got into a play argument with him.

You idiot, you should've stuck to the plan, that was the stupidest thing you could've ever done, please never do that ever again. Hopefully we won't have to. Think about Farrah next time you do something so crazy. I was doing it because of her. Wait where is she?! My sister just laughed. In the chair next to you. She never left your side the entire time you were passed out.

Well that's nice of her, now wake her up and let's get out of here! Sounds like a plan. Time to get back on track. They woke me up. We left.

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