55: Paris

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"We can save Taehyung!"

The next fifteen minutes were spent running around the mansion and trying to find a particular pair of jeans, where he had 'M.Y.G's note pocketed still. It only took him a while to realize that he still had no way to contact Min Yoongi because he had not left a telephone number.

"When did you last see him?! Did he say anything about where you can find him?" Mina rummaged through the jeans pockets again and again, trying to find another note with a telephone number written on it or simply anything that could possibly help them.

"There's nothing in there, he just left me that stupid note! He wanted to return his sister's soul into her body and travel the world or something, so he could be fucking anywhere!" She groaned, dropping her elbows on the dining table and cupping her temples. Jungkook had never seen her in such an agitated state.

"This can't be true. We're so close. This is the one chance we have for saving him and we can't let it slip away. It can't end like this, it just can't. But we can't just search the whole wide word like that. Is there anything else that could help us? Like a website, a book, a job or something?" Jungkook thought hard, quite literally frying his own brains for answers to a point where his ears could be releasing actual steam.

"Well... We saw him in this jewellery store for the first time. He was behind the counter, I think?" The witch's eyes widened and she clapped into her hands once.
"That's it. This is good. Do you know the name of the store? We could call and ask them!" But he shook his head.

"I have no clue how to contact them. It was this Swarovski store or something at the shopping mall." Suddenly she stood up.
"You know where it is, right? We're going there. We will hunt that Original vampire down and I'll personally extract his blood forcibly if that's what it takes." Not even waiting for a response, she marched out of the dining, Jungkook trailing after her like a lost puppy.

Would this really work? What if wouldn't? He felt extremely apprehensive about this.

"Come on! Taehyung's werewolf bite won't just cure itself, this is our one shot!" Those words were enough for him to pull himself together and vampire-speed out of the front door and begin the 'finding-Min-Yoongi'-journey.

To their luck, the jewellery store was still open, a lady standing behind the counter and tapping on her phone. When they asked her to tell them about her colleague Min Yoongi's current whereabouts, she frowned.

"A guy who worked here some time ago. He's short, has black hair, looks a bit like a cat? Do you know where he is?" And finally, she seemed to get it.

"Oh, him. I'm not sure, boss said he suddenly quit his job saying he would spend some time in Paris or something. That's how I got employed." They nodded, thanking her for the information and hastily moving back towards the mansion.

"Okay, I have an idea. I can do a locator spell on him. Now that we know about where he is, there's a big chance of finding him. I just need a bit of your blood to do the spell." However, Jungkook remained doubtful.
"She said she wasn't sure, though. And if we do find him, what do we do? And why the hell do you people need blood for every damn spell you perform?" She waved him off.

"Because that's how magic works. Let's just focus on finding him first."

And again, Jungkook was astonished by the way magic worked. This was the first time he witnessed a locator spell, a drop of blood being extracted from him and carefully placed on an old map showing not the entire world but central Europe.

And as soon as the witch started closing her eyes, grabbing Min Yoongi's note and chanting slowly, candles lit up around them and the drop of blood started moving around, leaving traces on the parchment and making a stop right on, as expected, Paris.
The atmosphere seemed thicker than before, as if there were invisible spirits were floating around the air and watching them, sharing their energy with the witch.

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