Happy Birthday Y/N (17/1)

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Camilo Pov:
Today is y/n' s birthday, I take her gift to her house to give it to her. As I knock her door her cousin open the door and say "Hi camilo, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to give her this gift, where is she?"

I ask her cousin "she's upstairs, maybe would you like to help us surprised her?"

She says it to me as I think 'didn't she hated to be surprised at her birthday?' And I said to her cousin "is she awake?"

"Eventually not yet, she's an night owl you know" she answered

I ask "didn't she hated to be surprised at her birthday?" I said to her and she answerd

"no she does actually like it. She actually smiles when she got surprised"

I think I'm the only one who knows that she hated to be surprised and maybe those smiles was a fake smile.

I walk in her house and help both of her cousin, since it's just them at home.

Y/n Pov:

I woke up and realized it's my birthday and hoping camilo is here because I didn't like surprise from my cousins.

I change into my chlotes and go down stairs.

As I walk up my cousin and boyfriend surprised me.

I know he actually know that I didn't like surpries, but maybe he just want to cover it from them

I just smiled and says "thank you" with a normal tone

And then camilo approach me and says "feliz cumpleaños mi princessa" and the huged me.

He gave me a gift in a paper bag, "thank you mi amor, I will open it later"

My Two cousin just smile because they didint understand Spanish at all.

We both go out for a walk and my cousin says "come home before midnight, or I will tale your coffee" she says

"I don't care you two" I replied her from the door

Camilo take me to a lake behind encanto mountains, I just knew there is a pretty place like this

We take a seat on a rock, he bought his guitar and sings

"Oh baby I'm a wreck when I'm without you, I need you here to stay"

"I broke all my bones at the day I found you, crying at the lake"

He countine to sing and says "mi amor, if someday abuela picks you to marry me what will you answer?"

I was surprised when he says that "hmmm... maybe yes?"

"Really? I thought you're not going to said that"

"Camilo, I will always love you no matter what. Even if you die, I will not replace you"

"Mi amor you're too good for me why then?"

"It cause I love you dummy"

I laughed and he then hugged me, and then I hug him back

After that I kissed him in passion and he kissed me back

We then go back and we walk back to our house, since it's very near by each other.

I then go back to my house and say bye to Camilo and I go back and change my chlotes

I then opened the gift that camilo gave me a
Lavender and Rosé Tea, Acrylic Painting, Sewing, And Reading Books

'How did he know that I like these thing?'

I put it on my table and go to sleep because I was already tired

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEE, lol it's my 13th bday it is on 11 feb

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