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Shoobity boop bop booday. Okay. Interesting and long chapter you have ahead of you. May be spelling errors, idk, im super tired and didnt even bother looking over this. Be warned, some strong language, hehe, unless u dont give a shit. ENJOY!

"Don't worry, Hiro." Tadashi knelt down and ruffled my hair. "Its gonna be fine, i just need to visit the institute real quick."

"But its a Sunday." I complained, staring out the window. "Why are you having to go?"

"Because, i need to get some parts for Baymax." I had almost forgot about Baymax. "There is a fracture in his skeleton."

I sighed. "Can i come with you?" I asked. Tadashi smiled at me, and gestured for me to follow. He picked up his bag, which looked like it had the space for what he needed, and led the way to the scooter.
"I will be quick." Tadashi handed me his bag and sprinted off. I sat on the seat, feeling warm inside. Tadashi was quite possibly the best brother i could ask for. He was smart, good lookong, and we were close. So it only seemed natural.

I heard a scream from the direction of the institute. I hopped up and sprinted to the auditorium building. I froze to see it up in flames. The door looked untouched, but my heart skipped when i saw Tadashi run into it.

"TADASHI!" I ran after him, but only to be stopped by a nearby firefighter. "STAHP! MY BROTHER IS IN THERE!"

I gasped and thrashed for what seemed like eternity, then stopped when i heard coughing above the crackling flames. Tadashi!

I slapped the fireman's hands off, abd ran to Tadashi's aid. I wrapped his right arm around the nape of my neck, and supported him to the ambulance. When he was layed down, i dug my head into his ashy chest.

"What were you doing!" I screamed at him, tears flushing down my face. "I could have lost you!"

Tadashi wheezed. "There was a woman... inside......" He whispered weakly. I looked at the building, then i remembered the screech i heard earlier. Was that her?

The paramedics wheeled Tadashi away, and the firefighters got prepared to enter the blaze. But plans averted.

The building exploded, and i, along with 25 other people, were flung back. I hit the ground with a thud, and my vision went black.

---2 days latah :3---

I opened my eyes and groaned with pain. I felt my head. A bandage wrapped around my forehead, folding around to flatten the hair on the back of my head.

I sat up slowly, grunting with the effort. Where's.... Tadashi.....?

Then i remembered. THAT IDIOT! What the hell was he thinking?!

"I'm gonna whoop his ass." I sat up at the edge of the bed, preparing to stand up. But something caught my attention. Not only was there a large pain in my face (a scratch probably), but Tadashi was laying in a hospital bed next to me.

I gazed at his figure. He was still smoky, and the edges of his hair were charred. His hair grows fast, so i shouldn't worry.

I lay back down, fully resting my back on the plush pillow, and turned my head to Tadashi. His attempts were indeed brave. But the kind of brave that will earn you a spot into the show Ridiculousness or something.

I looked at the clock, which conveniently had date and time. March 4. 6:47pm. I sighed and relaxed, hanging my head back.

I dont belong here. What else happened?

☆Hidashi☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin