Chapter 1 : introduction

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You had just finished with training but somehow gotten stuck with tons of paperwork that you have been doing for the past couple of hours now leaving you exhausted.

Deciding you had had enough for one day calling your second in hand assistant Rio Tanaka. "TANAKA SAN!" You screamed. Not even five seconds later he bursted in through the door so hard the hinges almost bursted.

"WHAT HAPPEN MY LADY!?" He screamed sounding concerned.

"I'm exhausted from training and this paper work , could you organize these and I'll finish them tomorrow ? If that's alright."

" Oh god I thought you got eaten for a demon for a second, DON'T SCARE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!".

" And of course I'll get right on it"he said.

" oh I'm sorry about that, and thank you I'll see you later!" You said.

" alright be safe! he said getting straight to work ".

As soon as he said that you were on your way home thinking about two things, ( getting home and taking a relaxing bath, and your amazing Husband).

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