The mission part 4

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As the day went on and the night getting closer taking over the once bright scenery. We had all made it to the gloomy mountain we were to encounter these demons.

" so you all know the plan "?

I said to the rest of my team after briefly explaining it to the new acquaintances. They all nodded , leaving the slightest bit of relief as you all headed into the darkness of the trees , in the distance hearing the protests of a doubtful zenitsu.

Only a minute went by until you heard the screams of someone yelling for help , until revealing it being what you could tell by his uniform , that he was a demon slayer swordsman. The moment he saw you he screamed even louder

" hello my name is y/n please stop screaming if you will and tell me what's happening" .
I said calmly.

" my name is murata and me and my comrades were assigned to a mission here to kill the spider demons who were said to live here but things got out of hand and suddenly some of my associates started killing each other but for some reason they said they didn't know what they were doing as if their bodies were moving on it's own! Please help us !"
He said in a a state of panic.

" oh dear it sounds like lowermoon 5 and the people he's in a way taken hostage."
I said in a mumbling way although he heard me very clear.

" what are you talking about? "
He spoke.

" well one of the demons that you were sent here to kill ,his name is rui and for someone unknown reason when he was turned into a demon , he would normally kill and eat humans thus that was until he started taking in random demons he saw as worthy to become his " family" and using his drops of blood to alter Their appearance to resemble his own."

Leaving the boy Stunned from the information he just heard.

" we'll let's get you to safety Asap so we can exterminate these demons shall we?"

I said as I showed him a wide close-eyed smile as I through him in the air as kyoshi caught the poor demon slayer's panicked screams faded away as he and kyoshi grew farther away from you.
" And now back to the important task ,kaori. Kiyomi. And kimi. "
you spoke firmly as the immediately hurried to your side.

" yes master"?
All three spoke at the same time.

" how do you say it? , oh yes! Let's. Kick.some.Demon. Ass." You said drawing your katana.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2022 ⏰

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