Chapter 2

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I woke up to a piercing light shining through a gap in my thin curtains. I checked the time to see it was 9am.

"Shit" I cursed jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom. I quickly showered and brushed my teeth before rushing back to my room and throwing on my denim skinny jeans and a plain black t-shirt. I checked in Roses bedroom to see her wide awake bubbly chatting to a kind looking Nurse

"Morning Rosie Posie" I smiled

"Morning Avery. Have a good day at work" she sang. She look️ed perkier than usual. I hurriedly thanked her before checking my fathers room.

He lay shamefully across the crisp bedsheets. Still dressed in his clothes from the night before. The room reeked of whisky causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust. I left the room as quick as I entered making sure to shut the door on my way out.

I bounded down the stairs not bothering with breakfast

"Bye Rose, I love you" I yelled before grabbing my keys, a jacket and walking out the door

I raced to the bus stop and impatiently waited for the bus to arrive. I really needed to get my own car but right now we were short for money and a car isn't a priority. Soon enough the red vehicle arrived and abruptly pulled to a halt. Is stepped in and handed the driver my money.

I took a seat at the back by the window. I placed my earphones in my ears and began to tap my feet to the familiar beat of Irresistible- Fall out Boy. They're my favourite band of all time. Listening to the energetic rhythm of their songs always made my problems forgotten for a while.

We arrived at the bus stop and I quickly exited the vehicle. I carelessly ran across the immensely crowded street and into the little shop that read Julie's Café.

"Sorry I'm late" I called out quickly wrapping a clean white apron around my waist

"Its no Problem dear" Julie replied stepping out from behind the counter. "We had a new lad start early this morning. He's out back at the minute" she smiled as she rushed away to clear some tables

I walked up to the small counter and began to take people's ordered as they approached me

"Hiya you must be Avery" A cheery voice spoke. I hurriedly turned to see a boy who looked roughly my age. He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt, a tea towel tucked into his belt loop. He looked around 5,8 which made me feel immensely small considering I'm only 5,5 He also had a couple of tattoos inked on his skin and he looked well built telling me he works out a lot.

"Yeah that's me and you are?" I smiled looking up at the unnamed boy. His shining blue eyes twinkled cheekily as he held out his hand

"Louis, Louis Tomlinson" he grinned

"Well it's nice to Meet you Louis" I grinned shaking his outstretched hand. With that he left and began wiping down some tables.


Surprisingly the day went by rather quickly. Having Louis around really brightened the place up. I mean Julie's nice but there's not much you can say to a lonely 50 year old. I checked my watch to see it was already 5pm. I had worked from 10 only stopping for a half hour lunch break

I hung up my apron and collected my belongings from the back room

"Bye Julie Bye Louis!" I called and with that I pulled on my jacket before leaving the shop.

As I walked down the overcrowded streets the chilly London air sent shivers down my spine and left goose bumps on my skin. This caused me to wrap the thin material of my jacket tighter around my body.

I missed the Florida sunshine. I had lived out there with Rose since our Mother died. We stayed with our Aunt Lucy in a small but sweet apartment. When Rose became ill our father had demanded we move back with him. Aunt Lucy hadn't known he became an alcoholic since our mothers passing so she sent us back over to England to live in our old family home.

It all honesty I had no idea why our father wanted us back. I mean he's barely looked at either of us since we walked back through the beaten front door. I guess he's just lonely like the rest of us.

I decided to walk home. I needed to go shopping for basic groceries anyway. I mean no one else was going to do it. Rose eats through a tube now so I only have to feed myself. I mean why should I make meals for my alcoholic father.

I paid for my items and left the shop before beginning to head home.

When I reached my street I noticed an ambulance parked outside my house

"Fuck" I muttered dropping everything in my grasp. I left the items littering the pavement and ran up to my house. I watched as roses limp body was raced out on a stretcher surrounded by doctors and nurses each shouting different things.

"ROSE ROSE" I yelled following the doctors to the ambulance. The hurriedly entered the large vehicle flashing brightly all different colours. I tried to get on with them but I was stopped by a concerned looking nurse

"Are you family miss?" She asked

"YES IM HER SISTER LET ME IN THE DAMN AMBULANCE" I screamed tears flooding from my weary eyes. The nurse moved aside letting my climb on.

Throughout the whole ambulance ride I stayed by Roses side clasping tightly onto her weak hand. The doctors attached various tubes to her body trying to keep her alive.

"Your going to be okay Rosie" I softly mumbled tracing soft circles on her pasty skin

Soon enough the ambulance came to an abrupt halt which must mean we had arrived at the hospital. The heavy doors swung open and Rose was quickly rushed inside. Leaving me no time to follow her

All I could do was hope. Hope she would live. I needed her too.


I'll update asap

Ily all thank you millions for reading

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