Chapter 4

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I'd lost count of the amount of alcoholic drinks I had consumed whilst sitting at this small table with the 3 boys. In all honesty I was having the most fun I'd had in a ages and I didn't want it to end.

"Get us another round of shots Niall!" Yelled Louis his words slurring a little

"Sure" called back the bubbly blonde wandering towards the bar

Soon enough he return️ed with a large tray filled with many tiny glasses filled with various liquids. He placed it down and we began taking them one by one

"Fuck Avery your too good at this" grinned Zayn as I tipped my last shot down my throat before any of the boys

"Yeah your a legend" chuckled Niall

"Well I don't like to brag" I joked laughing along

I looked up the clock seeing it was already 1am. But I didn't care. I mean I had nothing to go home to.

"Got somewhere to be?" Asked Zayn noticing I was checking the time

"Nope. Nowhere at all" I grinned

"That's the spirt" cheered Niall sliding us all cocktails the bartender had brought over


I woke up to the sound of various snores coming from all different directions around the room. I sat up and opened my eyes and looked around the unfamiliar lounge. I was laid across a comfy sofa with louis curled up at the other end and we both shared a warm blanket. I noticed Zayn was fast asleep on a small armchair across the room. I looked down to see Niall laying on the floor covered in mountains of cushions. I couldn't help but laugh at the odd sight.

I slowly got off the sofa as carefully as I could making sure not to wake any of the sleeping boys. I looked down and realised I wasn't in my clothes from yesterday. I was dressed in a oversized white t-shirt and a pair of huge sweats. I left the room in Search for some sort of bathroom. I probably looked a right mess with my tangled curls up in messy bun and I presumed my makeup was smeared down my cheeks.

I continued to walk down the hallway and opened the first door. The room was a messy bedroom which smelt strongly of a desiring cologne. I turned to leave and was met with a Pair of furious jade eyes

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" He spat

"Don't talk to me like that" I immediately sassed not letting him see how intimidated I really was

"Well?" He growled

"I'm a friend of Louis's" I hissed unamused by the way he was treating me

"Styles leave her she's with us" stated Zayn as all three boys traipsed out from the lounge

"Yeah she's cool Harry" added Niall. So his names Harry.

Whilst the boys were bickering I took the opportunity to look at Harrys appearance. He was tall, tanned and well built tattoos covering every inch of his skin. He was shirtless showing off his abs. His curly hair was a dark shade of brown and well styled. God he's hot I thought. A lip and eyebrow piercing were present on his face adding to his attractiveness.

"Whatever just keep her out of my way" huffed Harry pushing past the boys and heading down the hallway into a room which was what I pressure is a bathroom.

"Sorry about him, he's always grouchy in the mornings" exclaimed Zayn

"Zayn would know. Been living with him for the last couple months" Stated Louis

"He's an absolute asshole to live with always bringing home a different girl each night" Huffed Zayn

"Yeah Lou and I live a couple blocks away" finished Niall

"Oh right. So do you not live with your familys?" I questioned

"Nah they're too much of a hassle. Lived with my mum, stepdad and four sisters until I was 17 and it was hell" exclaimed Louis

"Yeah it's a nightmare" agreed Zayn after telling us about living with his three sisters

I felt my eyes tear up a little as the mention of sisters brought up memories of Rose. Louis realised my discomfort and changed the conversation slightly

"Well Niall just moved from Ireland to go to University here" spoke up Louis

"Yeah and I bet UNI is going to be fucking amazing" cheered Niall

"Anyways I better get back home my dad will probably be wondering where I am" I lied

"Off course sorry I should've mentioned at sooner! Want a lift?" Asked Louis

"That'd be great thanks" I smiled "but I just need to change first" I then added

"That's fine I'll meet you in the car!" He grinned before leaving the hallway

I hurriedly collected my clothes and changed in the bathroom (once Niall showed me where it was) when I had finished I said goodbye with the boys and we exchanged numbers

"Bye then" I grinned once I had finished saving Zayn's number into my phone

"Bye Avery" called Niall

"Yeah bye Ave see you soon!" Added Zayn. Ave. that's what Rose used to call me. I took a deep breath and walked out the door before hopping into Louis's small car

"You Alright?" Louis questioned

"Yeah fine. Thanks for letting me crash at yours, well Zayn's last night. To be honest I can hardly remember a thing from after the shots" I admitted

"Me neither" Louis grinned

We sat in a comfortable silence until Louis's phone started to ring. He picked it up and I watched as his face lit up as he listened to the other voice speak.

"Hi El! I missed you lots too" Louis exclaimed loudly through the phone. He then paused and listened to her before speaking again "bye love you lots" he smiled before putting the phone down

"Girlfriend?" I asked a grin appearing on my lips matching Lou's

"Yeah her names Eleanor but I call her El for short" Louis explained

"You sound very smitten" I pointed out giggling as Louis's cheeks blushed crimson.

"I guess I am" he admitted

I listened to Louis talk about Eleanor the rest of the way to my house. I didn't mind though. I thought it was cute he was all loved up. At least someone was Happy.

Soon enough we arrived outside my house and I gave Louis a quick hug and said goodbye before jumping out and approaching the pit of loneliness I used to call home.


Thank you all for reading

I hope you enjoyed Harrys entrance to the story

Ly lots

~Simply1d_boys X

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