Chapter 3

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I hadn't a clue how long I'd been siting in this spot for. All I knew is ever since I walked into the immaculate room Rose had been placed in I needed air. The whole situation brought back memory's of my mothers death. I despised hospitals.

I pulled a pack of cigarettes from my jacket pocket and lit one of the toxic sticks. I instantly brought it to my lips and took a long drag. I then exhaled the deadly substance and watched the trails of smoke disappear into the air.

Smoking was a habit I had acquired after finding out about Rose's tumour. I needed something to relax my agitated mind and It worked perfectly. I never smoked around Rose though. She's too precious. I sighed before dropping the cigarette to the ground and stepping on it with my black converse. I place my head in my hands before letting the tears that had been building flow rapidly down my flushed cheeks.

"Miss Winters?" A worried looking nurse asked sitting down beside me

"Yeah that's me" I sniffed wiping away my tears

"I'm sorry to tell you this but your sister passed away just moments ago. She was too sick we couldn't save her" she stated concern filling her warm features

"No, No she can't be gone" I cried standing up and rushing toward the hospital. I pushed past the many doctors and nurses standing in my path until I reached room 38B

I entered quickly ignoring the protests of nurses lingering outside the door.

I approached Rose's right side and sat on the armchair beside her bed. She looked so peaceful just lying there. Her face showed no emotion and her long blonde hair lay elegantly by her sides. At least now her pain had gone.


It had been two days since her death. Two days since I had left the house. Two days since I had slept. Everytime I shut my eyes, the thought of her lying all alone on the pristine white hospital bed, with tubes attached to her weak body appears in my mind. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

My father continued to drink not bothering to leave behind his bad habits. He hadn't said a word to me since Rose's death. I was ashamed to call him my father. I know soon enough someone has to sort out the funeral and I know it won't be him. I'll have to pick up the pieces again. Be the strong one.

I sat emotionless at the kitchen table, a cold cup of tea in my tight grasp. I daydream about what it would be like if Rose and my Mother would still be here. I wonder if we'd all be happy. My father for one wouldn't be such a drunken mess and I would have my beautiful Mother and Sister back once more. I took a cigarette from the packet lying on the kitchen side and lit it up.

I decide I need some fresh air for the first time in two days. So I quickly threw on a pair of black skinny jeans and a grey cropped jumper, along with my my black converse. I slipped my phone and pack of cigarettes into my pockets with my keys and hurriedly left the house.

It was currently 9pm. The streets were dimly lit by the neon glow of the street lamps and the paths were still filled with people going about their daily lives. I passed a row of shops and headed towards a bar, planning to drink away my problems like my father.

I sat Down on an old wooden stool and called the bartender over.

"I'll take a double vodka" I announced. Surprised at the confidence in my voice.

"Have you got ID?" The Middle aged women asked

"Sure" I muttered pulling out my fake ID and showing it to her. I'm 18 in a few weeks so I guess it's not really illegal as such.

She nodded her head in approval and slid the drink across the bar. I downed it in seconds the familiar alcohol burning my throat.

"Very impressive I must say" spoke a recognisable voice from behind me

"Louis?" I murmured spinning around

"Well don't look to happy to see me babe" he grinned taking a seat on the stool next to me

"Sorry Lou. It's just these past few days have been shit that's all" I stated

"Anything I can help with" he asked concern filling his eyes

"No, unless you can bring my sister back from the dead" I muttered

"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry" He gushed pulling me into a tight hug. I nuzzled my neck deep into his chest letting the tears I had been holding in escape from my eyes.

"You don't need to be sorry. I'm so sorry for putting all this on you" I rambled

"It's okay Avery. We all need someone to talk to once in a while" he sadly smiled releasing me from his tight grasp

"Thanks Louis" I murmured

"It's no problem. Now a beautiful girl like you shouldn't be drinking alone. So why don't you come and join the lads and I" exclaimed Louis with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"No, I'll be fine Lou. I can't invade on your night out" I quickly replied. Not wanting to be in the way.

"It's fine Babe! The boys will love you" he assured me. Grabbing my hand and leading me over to a small round table where two intimidating males sat

"Fucking Hell Lou you took your time" Stated the blonde in a thick Irish accent.

"Yeah Tomlinson where's the drinks" added the other boy. Running his hand through his jet black hair styled perfectly into a quiff. Both the boys skin were inked with various tattoos which fascinated me. They were both insanely hot with made me more nervous than I was originally. Luckily neither of them had noticed me yet.

"Shut the fuck up lads with have a lady in our presence" hissed Louis. Motioning for me to step forwards. "Lads, this is Avery. Avery, the Irish Blonde is Niall and the Black haired guy who thinks he's cool is Zayn" announced Louis introducing everyone

"Hi!" Grinned Niall in a cheerful tone

"Hey Avery" added Zayn

"Hey guys" I spoke up forcing a small smile onto my lips

"Well I'm going to get some shots. I'll be back in a few!" Sang Louis before he hurried back to the bar.

That's when I knew I had a long night ahead of me.


I hope your all enjoying the fanfic so far!

Your all probally wondering where Harry is and I assure you he will be in the fanfic soon!
Lots of love

~Simply1d_boys X

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