Chapter One

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We sat around the table in the bar, racing Grog in a beer race. Well, except me. I didn't like getting drunk. Percy leaned against the wall behind us, watching disdainfully.

Grog slammed his cup down and yelled in victory.

Vax groaned. "Why do we always try to out drink a guy twice as big as us?"

Vex smiled and replied, "It's the fastest way to get drunk, obviously. Barkeep! Another round for Vox Machina, the realms greatest mercenaries!"

A guy snickered as he walked past and the half elf twins looked at him.

The man said, "I heard you couldn't save a cow from a burning barn. Vox Machina. What a fucking joke!"

Vax twirled his dagger before plunging it face down into the man's table. "Lets keep things civil, friend."

He stood up and said, "Look at your scrawny ass! You couldn't even tickle your own pickle."

"Are you offering to help?" He squeezed the man's bicep.


"Oh, c'mon! I'm just asking for you to give me a hand!"

Vax pulled the man's arm out and Grog cut his hand off. "Ooh! Can I keep this?" He asked.

The man screamed, "Get them!"

Keyleth groaned, "Why does this happen every time we go out drinking?!"

I sighed and stood up. I muttered, "Scanlan should be having fun with the bar keeps daughter right about now.."

One of the guys came up to Percy and Grog started running toward him. "I GOT YOU PERCY!"

Percy's eyes widened and he said, "Oh god!"

I pulled my raiper out and brandished it. The wolf guy left me alone and went to Keyleth, who proceeded to barf in his mouth.

The barkeep looked around and said, "The fuc- QUIET!"

All fighting suddenly stopped. "Who is going to pay for the damages, and what is that gnome doing to my daughter?!"

I heard Scanlan say, "You don't want to know."

I sheathed my weapon and walked to Percy.

"5 gold says we get kicked out." I said, crossing my arms.

"If I had that money, I would take the bet." He responded, sighing and put his pepperbox in its holder.

I closed my eyes and calmly walked out of the bar, and sat on the ground, leaning against some hay bales that stood outside.

They got thrown out, Scanlan naked with his clothes thrown at his face.

Keyleth said, "Why are we even together? I mean, Vex and Vax only care about themselves."

"Well fuck you." The twins replied at the same time.

"Grog just wants to kill everything."

"Yeah, pretty much!" Grog said.

"Percy doesn't want to be seen in public with us. Emma wants go just adventuring with Percy, and Scanlan.."

"Wants to bed everyone in the realm? You can say it Keyleth, I'm not ashamed!" The proud gnome had gotten his clothes on and laughed.

I looked at her, plopped back onto the ground and said, "Maybe... maybe we should spilt up again. Go back to our lives.."

She gripped her staff. Scanlan came running back with a flyer. "GUYS, GUYS, THIS IS OUR CHANCE!"

Percival de Rolo III X OCWhere stories live. Discover now