Chapter Seven

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Chara_Stonewall I hope you and your roommate are still enjoying the story. If you arent, im sorry, and I'd like to know where you stopped enjoying it. Anyways on with the story.

We made our way around the town. Something didn't feel right. It felt.. Silent. We walked between two building that were smushed close.

Scanlan came running from the way we were going, panting.

"Scanlan!" I said, and I picked the tiny gnome up. "Dude you're alive!"

He nodded, and I set him down. He pointed the way he came and tried to say something.

I saw something. I stepped by him, squinting. Then my eyes widened. "Uh, guys?" I asked, backing up, taking Scanlan too.

"What?" They asked.

I turned to them, my eyes wide. Me and Scanlan screamed at the same time, "Zombies!"

We took off running. We heard the groaning and moaning from behind us, and we rounded a corner to see more of them. I pulled my gun out and shot one. It took it like a champ and kept coming.

"Guys, we just need to run!" I yelled. I looked around. "Follow me!"

I took off towards the sun tree, where I saw others and where I knew we would have the high ground. As little as that would give us.

I got to the tree, and turned to the enemies. I saw that Percy was far back, shooting at them. A zombie got dangerously close. I ran forward, a dagger pulled out and I side flipped over Percy's head, landed and threw it at the close zombie. I glanced back at him, and he was staring at me, shocked. "Go! Ill cover you!" I turned back to the zombies, backing up. I heard his footsteps and I backed up, quickly. I turned around and ran soon after.

I stood on the front roots, me in the front of all the people, the remaining townsfolk and us stood on the roots of the sun tree. "Guys, were not gonna be able to fight all these guys!" I threw my dagger and I finally downed one. I ripped the dagger out of its face and looked around. I closed my eyes, preparing myself. "Percy, cover me." I called out. I opened my eyes, to my surprise, and saw a glowing Pike.

"Pike?" I lowered my weapons for a second.

"Hey guys! Heard you needed my help." She smiled.

"Pike!" Grog laughed. "Fuck yeah!"

She raised her arms and floated in the air. Then all our weapons glowed.

"There you guys go." She stood back on the ground. She pulled her mace out. "Now, let's kill these fuckers!"

I smiled and brandished my rapier. I ran forward, slicing and dicing all my enemies. I saw some smoke billow out from under me and I gave the enemies a Cheshire grin.

I made my way through everyone, destroying monsters here and there. I stopped and surveyed the situation around me, panting. They were all dead. Every last one. I was panting and I looked at my raiper, which had no blood on it surprisingly. The smoke disappeared and I sheathed my raiper.

I smiled and walked back to the group. We made our way to the place that we knew Sylas and Delilah would be. Me and Percy were walking in the back, laughing and talking when Vax came back to me and asked, "Hey could I talk to you?"

I nodded to Percy, who went up to Vex and I looked at Vax. "Yeah, what's up?"

He explained his Keyleth situation. "And she hasn't talked to me since. Does she like me, does she not? I can't tell!"

I laughed. "Vax, chill out. She does. Trust me. Shes talked about your stupid hair for gods' sake. Just give her time, okay?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, im overthinking it. Go to your boyfriend."

"Oh fuck off, Vessar." I gave him the bird. He shoved me into Percy and walked by me.

I blushed as Percy caught me and kept his hand on my hip. "Don't ever do that again."

"What again?" I asked, confused.

"Never ever just run into battle. Please, I cant afford to lose you."

I nodded and we kept walking.

We made our way into the dungeon, and we walked by the cells.

I heard someone shuffling around. I looked into one of the cells and saw a woman, shackles on her wrists. She came towards me.

"Oh my god, maam, are you okay?" I was about five feet away from her.

She muttered something, and I said, "I'm sorry I can't hear you."

She waved me closer. I stepped closer, putting my ear towards her mouth.

"Game over." Then she held a knife to my throat and held me to the cell. I screamed.

Percy glanced back and his eyes widened. "Ripley! Let her go, now."

I had my hands on the hand. I had to get her off me. It wouldn't be hard, she was shackled. She had limited movement.

He stepped forward but I gave him a hard look. He stopped.

"That's right. Run from her. Like you do everyone else." I heard the smirk in her voice. "You ran when we killed your family. You ran, leaving Cassandra behind. That's on you. We're the reason she is alive. You're nothing but a disgrace."

I tried holding back my laugh, then I snorted. I started to laugh, holding my stomach. Everyone stared at me like I was crazy, but I kept laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Just the fact that you think you have the high ground." I grabbed her arm, twisting and flipping myself around to face her. I pulled on her twisted arm, slamming her face into the bars.

"Maybe next time you should think about getting more movement before you attack me." She was pulling on her arm, so I let go and she fell back on her ass, hard.

I walked to the bars again. "Trust me, darling. Percy doesn't run. He fights, because he is a soldier. More than you could ever say." I shrugged on that last bit.

She screamed and lunged at me. Her knife was at my feet, and I casually kicked it back. I heard it skitter across the ground.

I smirked at her, her hands missing my face. I had a stare off with her, her lunging at me, trying so hard. She was screaming at me.

She fell against the bars.

"Oh honey." I bent down in front of her, an exaggerated frown on my face. "Does baby wanna cry? Maybe next time you shouldn't make fun of my boyfriend. Because trust me, you will regret it."

I stood straight. She stared at me, her mouth slightly dropped open in shock and she watched me move.

"Percy? Your decision?" I picked up her knife, twisting it in my fingers.

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