IV: Bloom and Doom

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The Roscrian Kingdom found itself in a bit of a pickle, the Roscrian Army that they've deployed kept the Pale Green Men at bay, however they were endless, in just a matter of time the army itself and it's Well-known General had to retreat because their army was exhausted trying to eliminate the kingdom wide threat

Oh yeah news spread that the Pale Green Men were found out to be the Undead, yes! Walking reanimated corpses. Reports show that the Zombies kept on moving even after their head popped off from their own body(but only for three seconds or more), peasants and knights that killed them had to stab them in the chest in order to end the undead. Or so that's what they thought

And because the Zombies were very wide spread, it's no surprise that nearby tribes and independent groups had to request the kingdom for help, one of them were the elves, and open of them apparently were goblins that recently harrassed the Kingdom's Villages for resources.

King Andreus had to attend a meeting between several kings and queens in a secluded area on the continent of Aleroya, he was invited here, and the purpose of this meeting was to discuss about the ongoing zombie threat that's been rampaging throughout this land so he had to attend.

He sat and watched as the leaders of other kingdoms arrived through the front door, several of these leaders he had known before, one of them was a king of a particular kingdom that Roscria fought years ago before peace agreements were made.
"Ah, if it isn't King Andreus, it's an honour to meet you again" the former enemy bowed, and so did he in respect
"Halemesh the 4th.. nice to see you my former good enemy, we are still on good terms right?"
"Indeed we still are" He nodded slowly before sitting on his claimed chair.

He looked back at the entrance to see several more leaders come, half of them however were barbarians
"Wh- who invited these goddamn barbarians here!? They have NO RIGHT to be in this place!" An angry king spoke out right after setting his eyes on the first barbarian leader he sees
He however rolled his eyes before sitting on another chair "I was invited here, that's why. And please cut it out with your behavior, I am not a barbarian myself" he stated calmly
"We'll see about that you uncivilized barbarians.." he leaned on his chair, with his arms crossed on his chest

He sat quietly in his chair with hours of waiting, and after that, they can finally start the meeting with a queen infront of a table "I am pleased to have you all here, kings, queens, leaders of kingdoms of all kind." She happily said it out loud, making sure that every leader's ears can hear her words "now as you all know, we have a.. undead problem as we speak, mind if you all share your kingdom's problems with the rest of this room?"

Many leaders spoke and ranted about their zombie issues
"Chickens! Chickens everywhere, they've rampaged my kingdom's farmlands!"
"There has been reports of Wizards turning peasants into Sheep! Our national guards had to apprehend them thanks to this"
"Our ports are attacked daily by pirates, pale green pirates! Trade routes are blocked thanks to these!"
"Adventurers report of zombies patrolling in the Ancient Golden Ruins that we keep on protecting ourselves"

"Alright that's enough of you all!"
The noisy crowd of complaining leaders came to a silent as the queen sighed, finally hearing about all of these problems "Currently we don't have a solution to this problem"

"Is necromancy the main source of the problem? If so, then we can finally put an end to this problem once and for all!"

"Necromancy never did anything with this problem to begin with."

"WHAT!?" the same leader that asked the question earlier shouted in confusion, several others in the back gasped at this aswell

"Well as you can see my adventurers had caught several necromancers in these dangerous woods, when questioned however, all they can say is "What the hell? Zombies? I haven't even done some necromancy yet!" And "I didn't do this!"" She stated, imitating the voices of her said captives earlier. "So.. These zombies came from someone else different, someone more powerful enough to summon legions of the dead.."

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