Chapter 7

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After lunch, Logan placed the picnic basket and my bag next to the CD player, still playing my CD. He lay back on the blanket next to the CD player, and I laid my head down on his stomach. He ran his fingers through my hair.

"Hayley bought the Lord of the Rings DVDs the other day," I said randomly.

"She did?" Logan inquired. "Did she get the extended editions?"

"I think so, yeah."

"That's good. I know she's a big Lord of the Rings fan."

"Yeah, she is. She talks about it all the time."

"Have you watched the movies?"

"No, but I keep meaning to. I really want to, but... I don't know. Life gets in the way, you know? I'm so focused on my music and... you." I laughed awkwardly.

Logan smirked. "You'll probably like it. You know, Celtic Woman did a couple songs from it."

"Yep, they sang 'May It Be' on their first album."

"Yep, from the first movie, The Fellowship of the Ring. They also did a cover of 'I See Fire' from the second Hobbit movie, The Desolation of Smaug."

"Yeah, on their Destiny album."

"That's right."

"Best cover I've ever heard of that song. Then again, it's Celtic Woman. When is a song they do not good?"

Logan chuckled. "I agree one hundred percent."

"I mean, they could cover a song I hated, and make me fall in love with it."

"I know what you mean. So... who's her favorite character?"

"Huh?" I was a little thrown off by the sudden subject change.

"From Lord of the Rings?"

"Oh, pfff, duh," I snickered. "I think it's Sméagol?" I said, unsure. "Is that his name?"

"Yep, you got it."

"She bought a life-sized Sméagol plush doll, too."

"Well, that's neat."

"Yeah, it looks so real, but not in a creepy way."

"I never thought Sméagol was creepy. I always felt bad for him."

"Why? What happened to him?"

"He was corrupted by the One Ring."


Logan told me Sméagol's whole story, how his cousin, Déagol, found the ring, how it corrupted Sméagol, how Gollum came into existence, everything, and he explained it in a simplified way my Autistic brain was able to comprehend.

One of my many Autistic traits is difficulty grasping certain kinds of information. I had a hard time with certain subjects in school, because I couldn't really understand the material. The textbooks and lectures were like Gibberish to me, until my amazing sister explained it in a way I could understand.

Sméagol's tragic story nearly reduced me to tears. I was so blown away. "Wow," I said, trying to swallow my tears. "That's really sad." I brushed back a few tears. "Crap, I'm trying not to cry."

Logan caressed my head with a sweet smile. "It's okay, Sweetie. I cried, too."

"That's another thing I love about you," I said. "You're not afraid to show your emotion. You don't hide behind a 'macho, tough-guy' mask. You're not afraid to cry, and that's really beautiful."

"I don't believe in hiding my emotions just because I'm a guy. I'm human, too, and I have every right to express myself however I see fit. To hell with what society says. They wanna call me a sissy for crying, so be it. I don't give a shit."

"Yeah, they can take their opinions, and shove 'em up their asses."


"Plus, you have people who love you for who you are."

"Yeah. My parents always taught me to be true to my own self."

"And, look where it got you." I gave him a flirty smile. "Someone fell in love with you for being yourself."

Logan giggled as I kissed him softly.

"Maybe one day, you, me, and Hayley could watch Lord of the Rings together?" I suggested.

"That'd be great," said Logan.

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