Chapter 63

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After what seemed like an eternity, the doctor came into the waiting room to update Hayley and Sméagol.

"How is she?" asked Hayley.

"She's alright now," the doctor said, "stable, but we do wanna keep her here for a couple nights for observation."

"Can we see her?"

"She's resting right now, but yes, you can go see her. She's in Room 403."

"Okay. Thank you, Doctor. Come on, Sméagol."

Hayley led Sméagol to the elevator, which took them to the fourth floor. Then, she led him to the room, where I was still fast asleep. Sméagol hurried over to my side, and climbed into the bed with me. He wrapped his arms, legs, and even his fuzzy tail around me. Yes, he and Hayley were still wearing their onesies.

"It's alright, Precious," Sméagol sobbed. "Sméagol's here. Sméagol stay with you. Not going anywhere, Baby. Everything will be alright." He gently caressed my body, and planted kisses all over my face. "Sméagol never leave you, Baby, never. Sméagol loves you, my precious, my love. Please never leave me. I needs you, too. So much I needs you, my beautiful, precious baby. I loves you so, so much." He gently kissed my lips. "You're not a burden to Sméagol. No, not a burden at all, Precious. Sméagol loves taking care of you. Yes, Sméagol do anything for Precious Cheyenne... even dies for her."

Hayley wiped tears from her eyes as she watched Sméagol with me.

"Excuse me," said the nurse. "Would you two like for me to set up cots, so you can stay with her?"

"Yes, that would be great," Hayley sniffled. "Thanks."

"Sméagol alright here," said Sméagol.

"Well, I'll bring an extra one just in case you decide you need it," said the nurse.


"Okay. I'll be right back."

Sméagol held me tighter, still caressing my body and kissing my face while sobbing his heart out. He began to sing me a sweet song, one of his own creations. Even through his tears and weeping, he still sang every note perfectly and beautifully.

Hayley broke down sobbing as she listened to him sing, and watched him love me. She sat down in a nearby chair as her sobbing grew heavier, but she wasn't sad or scared. This time, she was feeling relieved. Seeing someone love me the way Sméagol loves me brought her overwhelming peace, joy, and solace, and right then, she knew everything would be okay.

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