Chapter 2

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,,Have you noticed? That barkeeper doesn't stop staring at you like he wants t eat you.", Armin whispers and I look over my shoulder, just to see that raivenhaired guy that I orderd drinks from directly looking at me. I've already asked before why he does that, but I didn't get an answer. ,,I know. It starts to get creepy.", I answer my friend and he takes another sip of his still first drink, while I'm already on my third. I don't get drunk really easily, so I guess it's fine. ,,And now he's leaving.", Armin says and I shrugg my shoulders. ,,Probably better. That dude scares me.", I reply and the blond laughs a little. ,,Since when are you scared of other people?" I have to laugh too. ,,Have you even looked at him? He looks like he's about to kill everyone that looks at him wrong." ,,Yeah, you're probably right." ,,But he doesn't look that bad, tho." Armin laughs again and I role my eyes. ,,You're so gay.", he laughs and I let out a slight giggle. ,,No shit. Wait, I need to go for little boys." ,,Okay!" With these works I get up and walk towards the bathroom. The people in this place are creepy in general. It's not just that one guy. All of them are weardly pale and seem to follow every step I do with their eyes. This city gave me a weard feeling from the beginning anyway. Armin and I recently moved here because we wanted to join the Hunters to fight vampires. Armin usually didn't want to, but he also didn't want to leave me all alone, so he just came with me. Luckily we've got taken and now we're in training. It's exausting, but manageble. With a sigh I open the door of the bathroom and to my surprise there stands the creepy barkeeper leaning over a sink. When he notices me, he glances over his shoulder and I feel a weard feeling coming up inside of me. I gulp, before I head over to a toilet and do what I need to do. When I come back, the raiven still leans over the sink like before. I don't feel comfortable with going any closer to him, but since I've gotta wash my hands somehow I take the sink as faar away from him as possible, but it's still too close. ,,Why did you stare at me like that?", I ask and don't even know why I said anything. ,,You're new here, aren't you?", he just replies without answering my question. ,,Ehm....Yeah." The fact, that he doesn't seem to move a muscle while talking is even scarier than his entire apeariance itself. ,,You shouldn't have come here. This city is full of...dangers." I know what he means by that. Vampires. ,,I know. That's why I came here." ,,Are you suicidal or something?" I shake my head. ,,No. I came here to become Hunter and fight vampires.", I say with the safest voice I manage to get out and the other male lets out a silent tch. I sigh. ,,What's your name? And why did you stare at me like that?", I ask, now a little more confident. ,,I'm Levi. And my reasons don't need to bother you. And now leave. Don't you have a friend that's waiting for you?", he answers and I bite my teeth together. ,,Y-Yeah, you're right. Ehm...bye." With these words I leave the bathroom as quick as possible and go back to Armin. ,,What took so long? Did you have your poop stuck or what?", he asks and I role my eyes. ,,Haha, very funny. No, I just got...distracted.", I answer and go through my short, brown hair. ,,Anyway, can we maybe leave? This place is uncomfortable." I nood. ,,Good idea. Come on, let's go." 

When I leave the bathroom, Eren and his friend are gone. Probably better. Suddenly Hanji runs towards me and grabs my shoulders. ,,You.Go.Now. You need to hunt.", they say and I sigh. ,,But you need help here." ,,It's fine. Just go." I realise discussion does nothing, so I quickly grab my stuff and leave. I littelary run to my apartment, change my clothes and then go out. I run over the roofs of some houses until I spot a young women walking through a sidestreet. Noone's around, so I can be undisturbed. I take a deep breath, before I jump of the spot I'm on, grab her head and turn it around, until I hear a satisfying crack and her sinking to the ground. Good. When it's done, I dig my fangs into er neck and suck the blood out of the wound. I enjoy the feeling of it filling my mouth and running down my throat. I've never questioned this way of living. When I started I was way too young to even understand that this maybe could be questionable, so I just kept on doing. When I'm pretty sure there's no blood left in the women's body I pull back and pull my knife out, before slitting it through her mouth. Over the years this kind of became my thing and it's actually quite funny watching the Hunters speculating who the guy could be, that slits people's mouthes open. Quickly I look at my clothes to make sure they're not completely sprankled in blood and then make my way back home. I'm tired, but I feel like I'm not gonna close an eye tonight. It's like Eren's smell is still in my nose and for a second I even think about just trying to find him and satisfy the feling inside of me, but he probably doesn't even live in our territory, so I throw that thought away and just enter my apartment. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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