Stress and Relaxation

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Quick info

Anne Boonchuy - She/They - Robotic Left Arm,2 Scars on jaw line(think hunter from toh but double)            

Sasha(Sash) Waybright - He/Him - Blind in left eye,Scars across arms,legs,Scar on left side of face from eyebrow to a little above jaw

Marcy Wu - They/Them/It - Red lines going down arms and legs ,Green Scales on elbows, Small axolotl horns that grow when feeling an extreme emotion or pressure

All their eyes are now permanently the color of their calamity stone

At Anne,Sash,and Marcy's House

Marcy was playing in a Fortnite Tournament and won the semi-finals against 55 other people.Now all they had to was beat 10 pro Fortnite players.ALONE.

The last match would be in a few days. And to say they were stressed...would be a HUGE exaggeration.

The prize was 25,000 V-Bucks and $10,000

They were practicing non-stop.

9:30 PM

"Marce!What do you want for dinner" Anne yelled from the kitchen.

No respone.

"Mar-Mar!" Sash yelled

No response.

"Cmon Sash" Anne said motioning for Sasha to follow her.Sasha jumped from his place on the couch and followed Anne.Once they reached the emerald-eyed gamer's room they slowly opened the door.

Marcy was sitting with their back turned to the door,playing Fortnite.At first it looked like Marcy was just 'In The Zone'. But then Sash noticed a slight problem.
"Anne look" Sash said pointing at Marcy's medium sized and still growing horns.Anne saw this,then looked back at Sash.The two shared a nod.

The two of them walked over to Marcy's bed and sat on either side of them.Marcy still hadn't noticed their partners sitting next to them.

Anne put her hand on Marcy's arm,rubbing up and down their arm.Marcy relaxed at the feeling.Sasha then put his hand under the back of Marcy's shirt,gently massaging their back.Without realizing it Marcy had dropped the controller,starting to zone out.

Anne slipped her hand under the short sleeve of Marcy's t-shirt,massaging their shoulders.Marcy's horns started to shrink until they were barely noticeable.

"How ya feeling Mar-Mar" Anne said ruffling Marcy's hair.Marcy hummed back,already feeling tired.

"Cmon you two,dinner still has to be cooked" Sash said slowly removing his hand from under Marcy's shirt.Sash let Marcy on his back after Anne removed her hand.

"I love you guys" Marcy said while half asleep on Sash's back

"We love you too Mar-Mar" Anne and Sash said in unison.

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