Pov you visit lady Galadriel

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The next morning you wake early, after breakfast or second breakfast for Pippin.
You are all given cloaks with a leave brooch.
"They can hide you and protect you in hard times" Lady Galadriel smiled.
You were all given a gift: Boromir was given a golden belt, Aragorn was given an elvish hunting dagger, merry/ Pippin were given small daggers, Sam was given special elvish rope, Frodo was given their brightest star; Phial of Galadriel, Legolas was given an elven bow. And you were given two special elvish swords that had a pattern of vines and roses.

After everyone was presented with these gifts and food for the journey, Lady Galadriel turned to you speaking in your mind; " someone loves you you know who I mean you feel it too don't avoid your feelings for him"
Her eyes wander to Legolas who was talking to Gimli.
She smiles at you and your face burns red, she laughs and gently hugs you.

Lady Galadriel speaks to Legolas in his mind: "I can sense your growing feelings for her, you know of whom I speak, make sure you stay by her side, she needs someone like you."
She smiled at him. Legolas nods.

The elves of Lorien helped the fellowship pack their stuff, the elves gave you boats and supplies for the journey ahead.
Legolas helped you into the boat, and sat down behind you.
You were in a boat with Legolas and Gimli.

You headed off down the river, you could hear Galadriel's voice in your head comforting you. She was saying; "Keep him close, don't break his heart, he will want to protect you, make you sure you stick together." You could see her watching you all from the river bank, she waved at you. You smiled.

"Master Gimli, what gift did Lady Galadriel give to you"? You asked
"I asked for a single strand from her golden head, but she gave me three" Gimli smiled.
"What about you lass" he asked
"Two elvish swords ⚔️ with vines and rose patterns on the blade."

Time skip

You arrived at the western shore, this time you helped Legolas off the boat.
Aragorn started talking about his plan, you noticed that you were still holding Legolas's hand, you could feel his soft warm skin. You face went red.
You really wanted to be with Legolas and be his girlfriend but you were scared, you didn't want him to be disappointed with you.
You were lost in thought and completely zoned out missing what Aragorn said.
Legolas whispered in your ear; "is there something bothering you what's on your mind love"? He gently squeezed your hand.
You looked up at him
"Nothing Legolas don't worry" you half smiled
"I can't help but worry about people I care about"
"Please don't worry to much I don't want to bother you"
He gave you a confused look
You let go of his hand.

Aragorn had been watching you both and gave Legolas a are-you-ok look.
Legolas nodded.

"On the way to Mordor the journey is dangerous, first huge razor sharp rocks and after that it's gets even better, festering stinking marsh land as far as the eye can see." Gimli groaned.
"That's why we have each other Gimli" you smiled.

You noticed that Frodo and Boromir were missing, "where have Frodo and Boromir gone"? You asked Aragorn.
"Frodo went to get fire wood, and Boromir must have followed, stay here I'll go find them." Aragorn ran off.

You sat down next to Gimli resting your head against the boulders behind.
Something was bothering you and Legolas could tell, he observed you knowing that he wanted to help.

He thought to himself: "would now be a good time to tell Sil how I feel, what I'd she says no, what If I'm not good enough for her." Legolas was now pacing the small beach. You got worried and got up to go talk to him.
"Legolas stop pacing, what's wrong"
"It's nothing Sil" he halved smiled
"No offense but for a guy who never misses a shot with his bow your a terrible lier"

End of chapter

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