Pov he thought you died

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A couple weeks have passed and you finally caught up to merry and pippin.
You were now resting in the town of Rohan, Gandalf came back and he released king Theoden from Sauroman's control.

Time skip
You were on your way to helms deep.

A scout warg rider was spotted by Legolas.
Soldiers were needed.
You got on a horse and joined the rest of the soldiers.

Towards the end of the battle you counted 34 orcs and wargs killed by you.
You beat Legolas and Gimli.
All of a sudden an orc can up behind you and almost stabbed you but was killed by Legolas.
"Now we're are tied" he chuckled.
You looked around for Aragorn but he was no where to be seen.
An orc laughed.
"He's dead, took a little tumble of the cliff"
You noticed a necklace in its hand, you remembered Arwen telling you that she gave it to him.
You became close with Arwen when you stayed at Rivendale.

You picked it up and looked at it, tears pooling, one of your best friends is gone.
You took Legolas's hand, he looked into your eyes with tears in his.

Time skip you all arrive back at Helms deep, "so few return" Eowyn said.
She turned to Gimli " lord Aragorn where is he"
"He fell" Gimli said sadly
Tears where forming in Eowyns eyes.

Time skip
It was the middle of the night and you hated seeing your friends and especially Legolas feeing down about Aragorns passing but you didn't believe he was actually gone so you snuck out to try and look for him.
Just as you were about to leave Gimli stopped you.
"Lass were y'a goin this time a night"
"I can't bare to see Legolas like this and I don't believe Aragorn is actually gone."
"What if something happens to y'a Sil, what will Legolas do without you and Aragorn" Gimli sighed
"Please just don't tell him anything please Gimli"
"Ok fine just don't bloody get y'a self killed" he sighed.

You grabbed your horse and rode of into the night.

Time skip to the next day

Legolas approached Gimli.
"Gimli have you seen Silvie?"
"She went out for a ride early this morning probably to clear her head" Gimli lied.

Time skip a couple days passed and you still haven't come back.
All of sudden Aragorn came into helms deep on his horse, he came face to face with Legolas.
" le abdollen, you look terrible" Legolas smiled but weakly
"What's wrong" Aragorn asked
"Silvie hasn't come back in two days now, Gimli said she went out for a ride but I don't where she is" he was getting worried.
"Oh Legolas I'm so sorry but listen she might be de-"Aragorn was interrupted
"No she can't be you weren't so I doubt that she is" he was trembling.
A noise made the two to turn their heads, your horse ran into helms deep, Legolas caught the reins.
"This Is her horse no please no" tears fell.
"Listen lad it's my fault, I didn't stop her from leaving, she went out to find Aragorn because she hated seeing you upset" Gimli patted Legolas's arm.
Aragorn touched the saddle on your horse, it was ice cold like no one had ridden the horse in days.
"The saddle is cold, the horse must have been spooked by something and she might have been thrown off."
Legolas knees buckled and he fell on his knees, tears kept falling, splashing on the stone under his knees.
After a few minutes Legolas got up and walked away to be alone.

Time skip the day before the battle for Helms deep.
You had been wandering around on your horse when a warg and an orc attacked you out of nowhere, you got stabbed in the ribs but it wasn't deep so you wouldn't bleed out.
To stop the small bleeding you had to rip the bottom of your clothes for a temporary bandage.
When your finished bandaging you looked up to see your horse no where, it obviously bolted after it threw you off.
You remembered which way you came from so headed in that direction.
You had a feeling like Legolas was waiting for you, for some reason you could kind of feel him.

Time skip
You could see Helms deep ahead, you stared at the building from the brow of a tall hill.
You walked you the steep path to the main gate, you opened it and was limping at this point but you pushed on to get to the main room.
Pushing open those doors to be greeted with the king, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli.

You limped over to them, this made Legolas look up and tears welled in his eyes.
He pulled into a tight hug crying into your shoulder.
"Never leave me again" Legolas looked into your eyes.
"I promise melleth nîn" you kissed him.

End of chapter

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