2022 Early Morning

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Mark groaned softly, blinking blearily. He felt hands pressing against his head and could hear the frantic voice of Damien talking to someone,
"-he's waking up! Dear? Can you hear me?" Damien's voice was shaking.
Mark looked up at Damien, who was.. talking into a strange small handheld device,
"Dames..?" Mark spoke with a slight slur to his voice,
"Yes, yes, he's speaking to me," Damien shifted so the small device was between his shoulder and ear,
"Hey, you're ok, you're gonna be alright darling, the ambulance is on it's way." Damien held pressure on Mark's bleeding head with both hands. Mark furrowed his brow in confusion,
"Wha happened.." Mark questioned in confusion. Damien shakily took in a breath,
"You fell in the shower, I don't know how long you've been here, but I'm so glad I found you." Damien spoke, softly kissing Mark's forehead. Mark made a soft happy noise,
"I'm so clumsy.. heh.." Mark laughed then winced at the pain.
A few minutes, Mark guessed, had passed before the.. doctors..? Mark was confused as several people came in. Mark watched as they took over the pressure against his head. He also watched in confusion and a great amount of fear as the scrapped him down onto a hard board, which was very uncomfortable. Damien spoke up,
"Hey, hey, it's ok, you're safe, they'll be gentle." Damien's voice was soft and calming. Mark gulped as he was loaded into the back of a large vehicle with blinking flashing lights on it. Once he was situated he felt the doctors place what felt like a muzzle over his mouth and nose,
"H-hey! I'm not a rabid animal!" Mark called out in an offended voice. One of the doctors shined a bright light in his eyes.
"It's an oxygen mask sir." The doctor firmly stated. Mark blinked at the bright light. He felt the doctor's around him poking and prodding him. This was very uncomfortable.
After a long ride in the giant light up contraption, Mark was brought to the hospital and put in a bed. Damien soon arrived after, still talking on the small handheld device,
"Sorry Yue, I can't come in today, Mark fell in the shower.. yeah he's alright.. he seems alert.. although I am worried because he does look so confused right now.. I'll make sure you said hi.. alright, bye." Damien put the small device in his pocket and walked over to Mark's bed,
"Hey, how do you feel?" Damien spoke softly, taking Mark's wandering hand in his. Mark looked away from the strange machines around him,
"Very confused.. What is all this? What is the small handheld device you have? Why did the doctors treat me like an animal on show?" Mark questioned. Damien frowned deeply,
"Mark.. You've been to the hospital before.. don't you remember? And you know what an IPhone is.. don't you..?" Damien asked in a very worried tone. Mark furrowed his brows,
"A-am I supposed to remember those things..?" Mark asked softly. Damien's breath shuttered and he looked as if he were going to sob,
"Mark, the doctors said you have a mild concussion." Damien sounded so heartbroken,
"But, that's ok, you'll be back to normal in no time." Damien smiled sadly. From outside the doors of the room there was a booming voice both Damien and Mark recognized,
"Where the hell is my cousin!?" It was William's booming voice. The voice was told to quiet down before being led straight to Mark's room. What walked in was not William at all. This man was wearing a yellow button up with rainbow suspenders and long formal khaki pants with black boots. This man's hair was half natural and half bright pink. This was all topped off by a bright pink mustache on his face,
"Mark! Thank fuck you're ok!". Mark immediately screamed,
"WHO ARE YOU!? DAMIEN GET HIM OUT OF HERE!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH WILLIAM!!!" Mark screamed in fear attempting to scramble out of bed. Damien jumped in to quiet Mark down,
"Hey! Hey! Mark! It's Will! Look!" Damien gently grabbed Mark. Mark was shaking staring at this William imposter,
"Th-that's not William!!! William doesn't look like that!!!" Mark protested. Damien gently held Mark,
"Mark.. that's Wilford.." Damien spoke softly,
"My god Mark.. how hard did you hit your head.." Wilford spoke softly and sadly, slowly approaching Mark's side. Mark pressed himself further against Damien to get away from the pink stranger,
"The doctor's said he had a mild concussion.." Damien comforted the shaking Mark in his arms by petting his head gently. Wilford frowned deeply,
"So.. he doesn't remember me..?" Wilford questioned with a shaky voice. Damien looked down at Mark in his arms,
"Mark.. it's Wilford.. don't you remember your cousin..?" Damien asked softly. Mark looked at the pink stranger. They had all the same characteristics of William. Mark blinked up at the pink stranger apparently named Wilford,
"..I remember you always being William... when did you change your name..?" Mark asked hesitantly. Wilford blinked holding on to the rail of the hospital bed,
"I officially changed my name to Wilford back in 2021.. I guess you could say William is my dead name.. heh.." Wilford joked trying to make light of the current situation. Mark blinked in confusion,
"No.. It's 1920.." Mark stated confidently. Damien and Wilford look at each other,
"Mark, it's early 2022.." Damien stated softly. Mark shook his head,
"No.. it can't be.. I can't be.. how.." Mark stared at his hands in shock. He was in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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