idk what to call this

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I woke. Still night? This is strange. I thought this time I'd be waking up in the sun. All that seemed to smile back at me from my sky was the fullness of the moon. I thought I'd be waking up back on the sidewalk I had hope to find below me, but no. I awoke in the grass. Resting against the same tree I fell asleep by. Why had I awoken? Was there a noise that had alarmed me? A pain maybe? No. It was the piercing cold. I had awoke with a numb body and an ache in my skin. I awoke with frozen blood and no feeling in my hands. It was August, how could it be so cold? It was a mystery. The heat had dropped rapidly through the night. I got up from where I sat, pushing myself off the frosted grass and onto my feet. I walked into the direction of the mansion but with some sudden hesitation. Why was I so afraid? I kept walking but the closer I got, the more scrambled my brain became. I was anxious and I couldn't hide that. I could feel my hand shaking. What if whoever lives there finds out I was that guy? The guy who knocked on their door in the middle of the night. They'll be so mad, I don't think I'll be able to go. I stood at the door, on the fence on whether or not to knock. I was too afriad. I looked at my reflection in the door window, my lips were blue. You need to go inside! A little voice in my head was screaming at me. I didn't think. The only thing in my mind was that little voice. I could feel myself opening the door and letting myself in. I took a step in, my shoes clicked on the wood. I was inside, the door was shut behind me, and I had nowhere to go. I slid against the wall and to the floor. I could feel myself falling asleep again. And soon, I was.

*                   *                    *

I heard that little voice again. It was waking me up. But that little voice, it wasn't mine. It wasn't my concious telling me to wake up. It was that deep, crackly voice that yelled to me yesterday.
"Wake up."
I heard it again.
It was calling to me, but my eyes didn't want to open. I felt exhausted. I forced my eyes open, a dark figure standing in front of me. He was looking over me, a concerned look on his colorless face.
"Hey!" He shook me. Just in that moment I felt my eyes open suddenly like a spring. The man that stood over me was.. familiar. He was dressed in a  suit and tie. His hair was jet black and he had makeup just as dark around his eyes. He was crouched by me. His face, it looked familiar. Who was he? Wait. He looks like that guy. That guy? Who was that guy?
Mark! Markiplier! That little voice was back. It had been screaming memories back into my head. But this guy. This guy wasn't markiplier. Markiplier was fun and bright. Not dark and gloomy. I found myself staring at him. Everything was quiet, but his mouth was moving. Was he speaking? I think he is.
"Hey, are you listening to me?"
I had been lost in thought. Every word he spoke had been muted out by that little voice in my head. He spoke again, "Who are you?" I dug through my mind, trying to find words. "Uh-" when finally I found them. "My name is Ethan." His eyes shifted up and down, a furrow in his brow. He had a concentrated look in his eyes. He was thinking. Deciding what he'd do. What he'd say. He finally looked me in the eyes, the furrow hadn't left his brow. He spoke with the same, crackling voice. "Why are you here?"
I was cold still. I haven't been in here for long. As soon as I got here I had passed out. I was so tired. "It was cold. I was getting hypothermia." There was exhaustion in my words.
"Who are you?" I wasn't going to be interrogated by this stranger. Not without knowing who he was, that is. He straightened himself and cleared his throat, "My name is Darkiplier, but you may call me Dark." He was kind. But each kind word was accompanied with an intimidating voice. Darkiplier. The ego? Was that why he looked like he did? This can't be real. I have to be hallucinating. This guy is fictional. Shut up and listen! That little voice. It was back again and it was pulling me out of my spacey state.
"Get up," he said. I just stared at him. I had not beleived any of this to being real. "Follow me." He started to walk into the living room. His black, shiney shoes clicking on the wood.

(Part 4 coming tomorrow)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2022 ⏰

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