The Crimson Tree

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The shimmering lilac moon illuminates the crimson cherry tree.

The crisp evening stirring the velvety blossoms to flutter into the breeze.

Their sweet scent lingers in the air.

She stands there waiting for her love.

Gazing above at the evening sky, a secret rendezvous place.

Her heart races at the thought of his touch.

She tremble's at the memory of his low husky voice whispering endearments in her ear.

She turns sensing at last he is near, he stands just a few steps away with a single rose in his hand.

He drinks in the beauty of her ivory skin.

Just a glance of her stirs passion from deep within.

He captures her smiling full tantilizing lips into a smoldering lengthy kiss.

She signs in sheer bliss, in his capable arms Lovers that share a bond.

Entwined in heart and soul.

Time seems to melt away as evening sky's melt away to dawn.

Her eyes flutter open, lips swollen from stollen kisses.

Her lover no where to be found.

Glancing down touching her ravished lips, the single rose lay forgotten and crushed on the ground.

Forbidden love with stolen moments in the night.

She gathers the rose and strokes it's silken petals.

She knows he shall return again this very night.

A love well worth the wait, She shall count every moment until their next midnight date.

Under the crimson cherry tree.

True love, shall always find a way to be.

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