Chapter 05

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Harry was relaxing in the Hufflepuff common room, Crystal had her head rested on his shoulder and they were both reading the same book. Well, Crystal was reading while Harry just enjoyed her company.

He couldn't believe how brilliant everything was, his godfather was free and here he was with the love of his life, doing something as plain and simple as reading. It was a shame that Dumbledore saved Snape from the charges, ah well, at least he could still torment the man. He had never been so happy, which made him narrow his eyes, him having fun meant that something bad was going to happen. That was how life worked, it was how JK Rowling worked and he had no doubt that Meissa would work the same way.

"Crystal" Susan and Hannah ran into the common room

"What's up guys?" Crystal asked

"Dumbledore wants to see you in his office" Susan said

"Oh" Crystal looked royally put out at the fact her cuddle time was cut short "I'll be back later Harry" She said as she followed the girls outside. Harry stood up and glared upwards.

"CURSE YOU Meissa!" He shouted as loud as possible "Curse you! You stupid ****! Oh...censoring me now are you?! You have stooped! Well **** you twice. You and your stupid stories with your stupid spelling mistokes! You had better make this up to me! are making this up to me! And you'll do it by..." Harry stopped to think about what he wanted, his eyes lit up as an idea hit his brain "I want to get rid of Umbridge this chapter. Let's face it, you don't like her, I don't like her and quite frankly, neither of us can be bothered to deal with her. Deal?" The window let in a bright ray of sunshine. "I'll take that as a yes then"

"Ah hello Miss Peters" Dumbledore greeted Crystal as she entered his office and sat down next in the empty chair.

"Uh...hello Professor" She said nervously, Harry had advised her against trusting the professor. In fact he went as far as to sneak into her room and put a picture of him next to her bed with the words 'don't trust' on it, she got rid of it but that was not the point. "Have I done something wrong?"

"No, of course not" Dumbledore smiled at her as his eyes twinkled "I simply wish to discuss an important matter with you."

"What matter sir?"

"You're relationship with Mr Potter" Dumbledore said as Crystal tensed a little bit "am I to understand that you're his girlfriend"

"Uh...yes sir"

"May I ask what you see in Mr Potter?"

"Well" Crystal brushed "he's handsome...and nice...and kind. And...he goes out of his way to do nice things for me and he's funny and...I'm babbling, aren't I?"

"A little" Dumbledore chuckled, but it was time to put this conversation to bed "Miss Peters, you are aware that I am aware that you're a siren?"

"I am...aware" She said nervously "that you are aware...that I am a siren. And now you're aware...that I'm aware...that you're aware...that I'm aware that...I'll just shut up now.

"Have you siren bonded with Harry?"

"Yes...yes I have."

"Now I'd like to remind you that young Harry is an important person and people will have concerns about your relationship"

"But I care about him!" Crystal spoke passionately "I really do care about him!"

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