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"Yah! Galel did you stay up again? That's bad for your health" My roommate, Ari-noona asked, worry written on her face

"Why are you awake? It's already 12 midnight" I asked while still staring and writing down things on my notebook

"I should be the one asking you that" she said, she make her way to me and drop herself on the floor

"Can't sleep" i said

"Drink milk" she said

'That won't help a bit' i said in my mind

"What's that?" She's referring on what I am writing

"Listing things i need to buy" i answered, she takes a closer look to read my list

"Yah! Why do you have sleeping pills? That's bad for your health" she said

'If only i can, i would want to quit taking them' i said

"It's just for stock, in case I can't really sleep" i lied

"Ok, as long as don't take them regularly" she said, i forced myself to nod

"Ok after that go sleep huh? Don't take for granted your luck, just because you rarely got an eyebugs" she said, i chuckled and nod

"You should go back to sleep, you will be the one who will gonna look like a panda-aww!" I joked but she immediately smack her crocs slippers to me

"You disrespectful kid! I'm still older than you, I'll go sleep babye!" She said and walked out

I like teasing her even though she always hit me when I do, but she will never really do that to the point i actually got hurt

I completed things i need to do and get up, I pick up my things and make my way to my room

I put my thing on the side desk and  I flopped on my bed, i feel tired but i can't sleep

My mother said before that my doctor needs to inject me medicine so i can rest when was still a newborn child , i started taking sleeping pills when I was 8 since i can already swallow pills

i took two pills and swallowed it without water

I lay down on my bed and closes my eyes, finally drifting to dreamland

It was already morning, i see Ari-noona preparing breakfast

"Oh your awake, come eat!" She said, she was already dressed nicely

"Where are you going?" I asked and takes a bite with the pancake the cooked

"Gonna get my brother, he's already here from Japan" she answered and sits across me

"Btw he's going to be your new roommate" i choked from what she said, i immediately grab the orange juice

I cough after drinking and asked


"I'm going to be a trainee, we have our company to give us new dorms and since he's my brother, he can just replace me here" she said

"Are you going to move out as soon as he's settled here?" I asked, I'm getting very sad

"Heyyy don't make that face, my brother's okay I'm sure you two will suit each other and i gonna visit here once a week" she comforted me

"Who's gonna make me pancakes anymore?" i pouted and she laughs

"Make it yourself" she answered

"My life is so sad" i sigh

"Make new friends"

"No thanks"

"Then get along with my brother" she said, her phone rang

"It's my brother! I need to go, see you later!" She stood up and gives me a kiss in the cheeks

"Ok, be safe!" I said and she nods while answering her phone and rushing outside

After finishing my food i go back to my bedroom and dresses nice, I'll go out for a walk


A/N: i tried :), if you're reading thank you for clicking this story

Alternative Medicine || BL (SunWon FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora