45 0 12

The doorbell rang, Galel is on the living room watching news

"Huh? I'm not expecting someone" regardless he still gets up to open it, maybe it was a delivery

'Cielo didn't mention having someone over too' he thought but when he opened he was shocked of who is it

"Dale?" Dale waved her hand shyly

"Hello Galel" she greeted

"Ohh hello too, do you need something?" He asks

"Cielo didn't mention? Ohh I asked him to tutor me" she said

"Galel who is i-- oh Dale?" Cielo shows up freshly out of bath, his hair is still wet

"Hello Cielo!" She beamed with a smile, Cielo returned her smile

"Please come in, then Dale" Galel open the door wide then they moved onto the living room, Cielo kept glancing at Galel but he's busy accomodating Dale

"Do you want juice or coffee?" He asks Dale, she shook her head

"No need, thank you" she said politely

"Then I'll leave you two..." He said then goes upstairs

"Dale, I need to get my notes stay here" Cielo said, Dale nods in response then he goes up following Galel

He didn't go into his own room, instead he goes to Galel's and opens the door slightly enough for him to peek, there he sees Galel folding his own clothes

Galel feel his gaze and calls out "I know your peeking, what do you want?" He tried to sound neutral but there's a faint bitterness on his tone

Cielo after being discovered finally opened the door wide

"I think my notes are here" he said, so Galel's room is basically his too since he slept either beside Galel or the newly placed cushion on the floor, most of his things were here too it was good that Galel's room is wide enough for their things to fit

He only bath and dresses on that room, what a waste of space

"Hmm check it around, sure it's just here" he said not breaking concentration on folding his clothes, so Cielo rummage through their things until he finds it

He quietly leaves the room after whispering a small thank you

After the latter left only then Fall looked up from his clothes, his eyes linger on the door for a minute then back to his clothes, he knit his eyebrows

All his now folded clothes were inside out, he forgot to turn it

'what's wrong with me?' he thought, he redo folding clothes now and makes sure he turned it

After some time he finally finished so he layed down on his bed, his curtains were slightly part and he can see from the glass window outside

It's unusually not bright though it's only 3, rain is coming he guess

Then his thoughts unknowingly drifted to those people on the living room, Galel quickly shot the thought and decided to take a nap


After a while he wakes up again, he checked the time and it was 5, he slept for two hours, a faint raining sounds can be heard

He makes his way out his room unto the kitchen and he needs to pass by the living room

"Galel!" Cielo called out, Galel stopped then turn to the living room

"Still not done?" He asks

"We are but... It was raining heavily outside" Dale answered, Galel nods

"Oh, should I call a cab?" He asks but he was meet by silence, after sometime Cielo turned to him

"Galel wouldn't it be better if she stays here for tonight?"

'What?' he was dumbfounded

With expressionless eyes he takes glances at the two, both had a pleading eyes

"Where is she going to sleep then" at this point he's just fighting himself not to raise his eyebrows

And the latters answer didn't please him at all

Galel was laying on his stomach and busy reading books when Cielo entered his room

"She's now settled" on dinner they decided that Dale would be sleeping on Cielo's room and two would share Galel's

"Why would we need to share rooms? You can just sleep two on your room" He asks, Cielo slap his legs

"She's a girl" he said, Cielo puts down his book with a plop

"So what? It's not that you'll do something to her or...!" He was pulled by Cielo and they both layed on the bed

"Why are so upset? You're eager to kick me out" he said

"Get off me" Galel struggled but with no regards Cielo didn't even move a bit, instead it became tighter

Both sleep in this position peacefully

Mini Drama:

Cielo: hello?


Cielo: can i--

Galel: go to your Dale, ask her what you want *walks away

Cielo: *hearts shatters like a glass *silently crying

A/N: Moral of this chapter, do not make decisions without consulting your sugarplumpyyampiyampi or else they will ignore you then you die, cause your sugarplumpyyampiyampi is the source of oxygen, scientifically proven!

Last draft I have, might take long to update again since I have school

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