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I said I'm just going for a walk but i ended up going to a mall, i went in to some shops and buys what caught my eye

I was still walking around the mall with several shopping bags in my hand when I came across an antique shop?

I take a closer look to the glass wall and stared at the old furnitures and unique design of the store when a woman came out of nowhere beside me

"You want to know about your future?" She asks, i bring my hands on my chest, it's beating fast from shock

"Come inside" she said and open the shop, we go inside and i asked her

"Is this your shop?" She stare at like 'what?'

"No, we're just sneaking and Rob this antique furnitures..." i was about to go panicked when she laughs " of course I am the owner, you silly kid! We won't be here inside if I'm not" she laughs again so hard

"I'm sorry, let's get into the business follow me" she said and i followed her on the part of the shop we're full of courtains and a red round table with a crystal ball and cards and two chairs

She saw the confusion on my face, she smiled

"Come here sit" i sit on the chair facing her, i put down my things beside me

"Give me your palm" i lend my hands to her, she began staring at it and caresses

"Blessed yet cursed..." she speaks " blessed for having a bright future soon, you'll be successful in the path of work, you'll receive fame" she said smiling, it makes me smile too

"But cursed, you're life would be cut short..." my eyebrows furrowed " you'll face a problem both on your emotional and physical health, you need to take extra care of yourself" she said, i grab hands back not wanting to listen further

"Thank you ma'am, i already need to go and..." I grab some money and hand it to her " here's my payment, goodbye" i bowed and pick up my things then rushed out

It's already pass lunch time when I look at my phone, i should go home noona should be already there


"Wait!" The woman tried to stop the young man but he already left

She shakes her head, she can't blame him

"But someone will come, it can changes your future depends on what path you would go with that person"


I took a taxi since i have many things with me

When he gets inside the lights were already open, then he accidentally overheard a conversation

"If that searching causes you trouble, just stop it" he can hear Ari talking, Galel peek a little and sees her talking on a person who's sitting on the sofa, back facing him

"What? You expect me to just sit here while knowing that maybe that person is the one" the young man replied

"This delusio--" he already reveals his presence and Ari stops in mid-sentence

"Ohh Galel you're here" she says in a sweet tone like nothing happens, she walks closer and led him on front of the young man, he was too stunned to see the beautiful face of the man, almost unreal

"Galel, this is Cielo my brother and Cielo, this is Galel"

"Hi, nice to meet you" Cielo said cheerfully with a smile and extended his hand, it took long before Galel to accept his hands

"Nice to meet you too"


A/N: so I did update :) Cielo finally show up

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