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"Boys i need to go, are you sure you can handle being with my brother Galel?" Ari asks, she's actually a bit worried that the two won't get along well

"Am i really that annoying?" Cielo asks

"And you really asks that, you're too loud" Ari replied to her brother and the two started bickering, Galel just chuckled

"Aiyya stop it already noona! I won't give Galel-ssi a headache promise now shoo shoo!" Cielo act like he's chasing out his sister

"Aish shut up I'm not a dog! Ohh Galel stay safe ok? I wish you could take care of my brother" She said and hugs Galel, Galel returns the hug and replied

"Sure i will noona, make sure to visit sometimes ok?"

Ari nods her head and faces her own brother now

"Take care too, don't make noona worry again" She said and pats his head, Cielo just smile and nods his head

Ari finally got into her own car and drive off, Cielo and Galel also returns inside

They are on the living room now watching TV, They proceed on small talks to know each other more

"Galel-ssi, can I ask you something?" Cielo talks first

"Ohh sure"

"Can you tell something about the school we're going to attend" ohh yeah, since Cielo moves from Japan it's decided that he's going to the same school Galel was attending and Ari graduated

"Uhmm it's just like a normal school but every School Anniversary, there are some events that the school arranges for the students " he said

"Really, is it fun?" Cielo ask with great enthusiasm

"Well... i... i don't really know, i never been into one" Galel stammered and starts fidgeting his nails, Cielo was about too ask why but seeing the look of Galel he stopped himself

Having no friends to accompany you, that's sad

Cielo was finding a new topic to discuss when Galel speaks

"Can I ask you something too?"

"Yeah sure"

"Why do you suddenly decided to transfer schools? I heard from Ari-noona that the school you previously studied is a Prestigious school" He asked, the other party didn't respond

"Ohh looks like it's too personal--"

"I was kicked out" Cielo cuts him off, Galel was so shocked

"Why?" Galel instantly regret slipping out the word and muttered sorry

"No it's okay, i just did something... horrible" He answered looking sad

"I hope that doesn't make your impression to me bad" he added, Galel immediately panics

"Don't worry, sometimes we do something horrible. It should be a lesson to us too, we should not do it again since we already know the result" Galel comfort him, Cielo smiles

"Thank you Galel-ssi"

"Drop the honorifics just Galel, Cielo" Galel said and smiles too


A/N: For now, let's just take it slow let them be friends and closer and closer....

This update is dedicated to Ewioo0
Thank you for encouraging me to continue this, it means a lot for me

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