More headcannons!!

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I'm so sorry for not posting very often so this is to make up for that!


-Every Friday they have a movie night

-They have a cat named Mika

-They played Danganronpa together

-When they played the first Danganronpa Kaidou could not and I mean COULD NOT get through the 6th trial investigation

-They both love twice (the k-pop band)

-Aren can play the piano

-Kaidou can not play any instrument

-Kaidou can't stand scary movies

-Kaidou loves Encanto

-Aren is afraid of butterflies
(Me too 😞)

-When Kaidou is finished venting to Aren, Aren buys him donuts

-They are in a bowling league

People in the league :
(Torisuka is in a league with all females 😐)

-They are both really good volleyball players

-They both watch Haikyuu

-They both are obsessed with manga

-They go on manga dates

-Aren works at a book store

-Kaidou works at Walmart

-They have friendship bracelets

-They have matching pfps on everything

-Kaidou has a huge fear of spiders

-Aren hates popcorn

-Kaidou is allergic to dogs

That's all for now!! Bye bye!!

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