Chapter 8- Stranger in the Market

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More of Chuuya being a mom

I was so behind on everything. Dazai had gone back to work about two weeks ago so I was having to manage housework and Miyako by myself but luckily she took naps very frequently.

It's been nearly a month since we've had her now. She still sleeps in our room but we had already turned one of the guest bedrooms into her's for when she starts sleeping in there after a few more months.

Dazai wanted to get her a different blanket than the one I found her wrapped in, saying there needed to be love in a baby blanket from the parents. She seemed to agree since she sleeps better with it than with the other one.

That was why I was currently putting it into the dryer after washing it. She had gotten an upset stomach and ended up throwing up on it. The blanket was still purple but it was softer and much warmer, especially since it was going to be winter soon.

It had taken her a minute to get to sleep without it but I managed it with one of the blankets of the our bed and the plushie fox Kouyou had bought her.

With her asleep, I was actually able to do some chores and cleaning. So I cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, mopped the floors, and was currently doing laundry.

With the blanket in the dryer, I started to go through and get all my jeans out. I checked the pockets before putting them in the washer, not really finding anything until–

I felt was seemed like a card or something, so I pulled it out and looked at it. It was pink and had a website printed in the middle of it, the only thing on it.

It was the card that lady had given to me the day I had found Miyako in the bedroom.

Did she have something to do with her appearance here or was it just an oddly, unlucky coincidence?

I heard my phone begin to ring. I set the card down on the dryer before putting the pair of jeans I had in my hands in the washer before setting it and turning it on.

I grabbed the card on the way out, heading to the living room where I had left my phone.

Picking it up, I pressed the answer button. "Hey," I said, taking a seat on the couch. I had up walking around for a while now.

"My, the Chibi was late in answering the phone! Could your short legs not carry you fast enough?" Dazai teased on the other side of the line.

"I left my phone in the living room while I did laundry," I answered, his words fully responding in my brain. "And who the fuck you calling short?"

"Careful, Chuuya, you don't want to wake the baby." His voice was soft when he said that, like a whisper.

He had mentioned that he wanted to surprise his coworkers with Miyako when he started taking her to work with him. He enjoyed getting reactions from people a little too much.

"If you haven't noticed, she sleeps like me when she's really asleep." I stood back up, walking down the hall to my home office.

I peeked into the bedroom, looking at Miya who was still curled up, before walking into the office and taking a seat at the desk.

"That is true, but she still wakes up when she needs something." There was a pause for a second, it was quiet on the other side of the line. It sort of made me uncomfortable.

"So, Osamu, how is work today? Are you guys still working on that weird resurrection case?" I asked so he'd start talking again. It was unusual for him to be quiet, usually he liked to tease me or others while on the phone.

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