Chapter 18- Laboratory

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May contain disturbing uneasiness for some people.
Description of dead bodies and torture. (I will give a skip warning in case wish to skip this part.)
"You're supposed to be dead."

Miya didn't even wake up when Chuuya was putting her in the car seat. It made me sort of feel bad that I wouldn't be the one there to greet her when she wakes up, but it was probably the easiest option.

"So, she's been sleeping well?" I asked, mostly to make conversation as I watched Chuuya load her into the backseat of his car.

It felt weird for Chuuya to be picking her up but I not be going with them, but it was something that I happened would change soon with new information.

"Yeah, she's been sleeping alright. It's just getting her to sleep that's difficult," he replied, closing the door after sliding the diaper bag in the floor under her seat.

I nodded, believing it completely. She was use to going to sleep after both of us had given her our attention and love, with one parent missing from that, she's probably not understanding why I'm not there.

"How have you been sleeping?" I slipped my hands into my pants pockets, studying his features.

He blew out a breath, hand sweeping over to move his bangs. "I'm not going to lie. I've been sleeping like shit."

I nodded again, I had figured that would be the case. Chuuya usually has a hard time adjusting to sleeping anywhere away from our bed when he's stressed.

"I don't think I really need to ask you considering your insomnia and ADHD kick your ass at night." He leaned back against the car, eyes focused on me.

I gave a laugh, "Is the chibi worried abou me?"

"Fuck no! Why do you think I didn't ask, bastard?!" His eyes showed the truth, I didn't need the words when I knew how to read his eyes.

"I'm offended! After all the things we've been through and say you don't care?!" I proclaimed dramatically.

He rolled his eyes, a small smile forming on his face. "You're such an idiot." He pushed off the car, standing in front of me. "I got to get going, if Miya wakes up in her car seat–"

"Then you'll have to deal with an upset baby all the way home," I finished, looking down at him.

"Yeah," he whispered before clearing his throat and tilting his hat down to cover his eyes. "I guess I'll see you later, Dazai."

He started to round the car to the driver's side before I said a word. I knew he didn't really want a goodbye like these, he wanted a kiss and a 'see you at home for dinner'. I wanted it too, but this was just how it had to be for the time being.

Just until I can figure out how to keep them safe and unharmed.

I watched Chuuya pull out of the parking spot, giving me one last glance before driving away. I continued to watch him, even minutes after the red vehicle had disappeared from sight.

Eventually, I did turn away, walking back into the building to walk up the stairs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and pulled up my contacts.

I clicked the one I was looking for, bring it to my ear as I started up the staircase.

"Hey," I said before he could speak, "I have a favor to ask of you."

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