Chapter 2

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I barged in our small apartment; my face was red with anger and annoyance. I wanted to go home. Slamming the door open, I shouted, “DAD!” he was sitting there casually near the kitchen counter studying Korean.

“See, I told you that you wouldn’t last a week without complaining. 10 bucks.” He said. I ignored him. “I want to go home.” I stomped my foot like a 5 year old.

“It’s only been a week, Raven.”

“I hate it here. It’s confusing, my dyslexia is killing me and I can hardly pronounce my classmate’s names. I decided to call all of them Bob and they didn’t like it.”

“Bob? Couldn’t you go with Steve?”

I groaned again and plopped my body on the couch. The Mist is so weak here. The best I can do is Mist travel. Great, I can’t go to a fancy restaurant and get free food.

“I’m wearing this monstrosity.” I complained, nearly ripping my uniform apart.

“It’s a uniform dear and I thought you liked it.” He said.

“Not anymore.” I huffed blowing a strand of my silver hair out of my face.

Yeah, I have white hair. I had black hair when I was born of course but when I got claimed at 8, it magically changed into white. My, mom, Apate, said that it was a common trait from her children. I thought it was cool at first, dad thought I was going through a phase. Then the kids at school began pulling, picking on me and calling me an old lady. I got expelled for breaking Brenda’s arm that time.

Luckily, Koreans didn’t even bat an eye when I barged in their territory with white hair. They thought it was cool.

My dad shuffled, he arose and placed the book on the table, sighing. “I have an idea—“

“I hate your ideas.” I said in monotone, groaning and placing my arm on my eyes.

“Now, let me finish. Why don’t you get a job?”

“Hence why I hate your ideas.” Me? A job. Being a demigod is a job enough.

“It’s a nice way to meet new friends.” He offered. “I saw a job opening at JanDi’s Dry Cleaning Service...”

“I am not washing dirty clothes.”

“You don’t have to wash anything; the job is to deliver clothes on a bike.” He explained.

“I don’t know, dad.” I said. I haven’t even memorized the streets in this country yet. I’ll probably get lost.

“Just try it. I hate to hear you whining.”

I took the job. There was nothing else to do anyways.

Driving around the city by bicycle wasn’t entirely bad. I got to do some sight-seeing from getting lost nearly 4 times. Today, I was going to deliver a uniform at Shinhwa School, a super-rich private school that only the 1% could attend.

“How may I help you?” Said the security guard.

I smiled and said, “Yeah, I have a delivery from JanDi’s Dry Cleaning service.” 

He nodded.

“Okay, you may go in.” the guard said. Raven pedaled through.

I stopped at the school’s cafeteria where Lee Min Ha was. Slowly, I looked around the place and began observing. This wasn’t a cafeteria. It was a café. Is that caviar? Whoa, this place is not a school. Definitely not a normal one. If I went here, I’ll be expelled without even attending yet.

A demigod at Shinhwa High (Boys over flowers and Percy Jackson crossover)Where stories live. Discover now