Chapter 3

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            It's been a week since we messaged the guys and no response. At this point I had given up but for Jen she hasn't. She is determined that Zak will message her.

         We were walking to a local Café to get some tea when I heard my phone go off, i took my iPhone out of my pocket, looked down and saw I had a message from Aaron. I gasped so loud that Jen jumped.

          "Girl don't do that, you gave me a heart attack. What is it?" I couldn't look away and just smiled. "Ooo your blushing." she chuckled then realized why.

          "He texts you but Zak don't text me" she just pouts. "He will hun" I say without looking up.

Aaron: Hey how's it going? Sorry I haven't messaged back, we've been super busy. But would you like to go get Coffee with me?

Mandy: It's ok :) I'm doing good. And yeah I'd love to when?

           I get snapped out of my phone by Jen Gasping herself "OMGGG" I looked up at her and she's looking at her phone "did Zak text you?" she shakes her head and stops walking and we both get back in her car and text Zak and Aaron. My phone goes off again to tell me that Aaron has messaged me back

Aaron: Great :) I'm free in a couple hours?

Mandy: That's perfect. Let me know where.

Aaron: No, I'll pick you up. Let me know your hotel :)

           I text Aaron what hotel we're at and I tell Jen "take me back to the hotel! Aaron asked me out!"

         "SAMEEE!" she replies and I just chuckle as we start our journey back to the hotel.

          We get back to the hotel to start getting ready. We do our makeup together once we're done. I brush my hair again and just leave my hair down. I go to find something to wear and get Jens opinion. "Wear skinny jeans with that black shirt that shows a little bit of cleavage." She smiles wide. I chuckle at her. I put my clothes on and slip on some black Vans. She also finished getting ready and wore black leggings with a blouse and jean jacket.

          "Ooo you lookin good. Where is Zak taking you?"

          "To a local bar he goes to." she replies and asks me the same.

          "We're just going to a Café." I laugh and hear my phone go off to see Aaron telling me heres waiting in the lobby.

           I tell Jen and grab my things and walk out the door and down the hall towards the elevator and take it down to the lobby. When the doors open I can see Aaron waiting for me by the chairs and I smile to myself. I start to walk towards him when he looks up and sees me, standing up right away and smiles at me.

         "Hi" I smiled at him. "Hello. You look great." I thank him and we walk out to his car and see Zak pull up.

         "Hey guys" he says and we say hello to him and I tell him to have fun as he says thanks and walks inside. We get to his car and drive to the Café,

         "Again I'm sorry I didn't message you back, we've been super busy with the show."

         "It's fine, really" I chuckled back at him. He looks at me and smiles at me. "Well how has your week been?" I look at him and think about my answer.

         "It's been great actually." and I tell him the things we've been doing. "Sounds fun, so where are you guys from?" he asks as we pull up to the Café. "Canada." I told him.

          We walk inside and order what we want and go to sit down at a small quiet table. "So you and Jen have been friends for a while?" i smile as i explain how we met. "We've been friends for almost 8 years." I told him. "She's like a sister to me."

          "That's awesome!" he pauses. "So..uhm how would you feel about going on a hunt with us? You and Jen?" I looked up at him shocked. "Are you serious?"

          "Yes I've been talking to Zak and the crew about it, and it took some convincing but they are all on board if you guys are."

            "I mean I'd love to. But would have to talk to Jen about it" as i say that my phone goes off "I'm sorry its Jen" i look down and read her text

Jen: Girlll we going on a ghost hunt!!!

           I look back up at Aaron and smile, "i guess we going on a hunt"









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