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hey, this is my second fnaf fanfic, check out my other stories! 

the text parts of this fic are laid out weird, i wrote this on laptop, sorry.


This story will have the following:

☆ Kinks (blood, knife, bondage, wax, pain, etc.)

☆ NSFW (ofc), SFW, and suggestive but not NSFW contents.

☆ Angst (not much, just stuff from the bite of 83 and about his father, you'll see)


Y/N in this story is bisexual and male. 

Micheal in this story is gay and male. 

❂ : NSFW

♅ : Fluff

♄ : Angst

{and why he ourple☠} switch! micheal afton x switch! mreaderWhere stories live. Discover now